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Ralph and Zeno walked out to the forest around the house where Jenna and her subordinates were already at work.
As they walked closer they felt a weird gaze... One filled with the thirst for blood...
Ralph tapped his watch's face once and twice on his wrist's inner side.
Zeno replied to him by fixing his sleeves.
They didn't do any more suspicious actions and walked to where Jenna and the others were.
"Hey Leo, so um... What did you find about this thing over here?" Austin grabbed a box that was left hanging from the vines of some old tree.
"I am on it, can you please check what the contents are its content?" Leo was up and observing their movements and research and looking out for any possible danger lurking in the shadows.
"Roger that..." He flipped the box revealing its 'unexpected contents'.
Ralph's eyes popped out of their sockets, as if a corpse come back to life in front of him.
The box had a Glock 22, and a 9mm magnum.
"What the heck???" Austin picked up the gun and the magnum and began investigating it.
Ralph couldn't believe his eyes, he grabbed a vine and supported himself while he sat on a broken trunk, he was sure he to not leave any evidence behind... Someone is trying to fuck him up.
"H... Hey Leo check this out..." Jenna and James walked by Austin who was online with Leo.
"A Glock huh... Put it in the plastic bag will do a fingerprint test and other stuff on it once you all return... And be careful not to let anyone carry it other than our team... We don't want this evidence to be lost alright? It might be one of the most important links which we have ever obtained on something related to Shadow case..."
"Roger that Leo." Austin pulled out a plastic bag from his hidden pocket and carefully placed the gun in it.
Jenna went ahead and investigated the magnum, and to her suspicions it was used. "Uh... Hey Austin... James... This magnum has been used before..."
"What?? How many bullets have been used??"
"Lemme see... 1.... 2... 5.... 9.... 13... Two bullets are... missing... Just as I thought." Jenna pulled out another plastic bag and placed the magnum in it.
"Damn you guys have found soo many clues, you all have a great team synergy, right Ralph??" Zeno rested his arms on Ralph's shoulders happy to see them get together so well.
"Y... Yeah, they are... Such an awesome team... Haha... Hehe..." 'FFFFUUUCKKK!!!'
Ralph got up and walked towards Jenna and her team.
"H... Hey, congrats you guys did such a great job on your first mission together, Zeno and mine first mission together wasn't this smooth right??" Ralph looked at Zeno who was lost in the thoughts of their first mission.
"Ralph was such an asshole you know, 'I will be the greatest officer this country... No, this world has ever seen!!'" Zeno jumped onto the tree trunk and began imitating Ralph.
"Hahah, jeez Ralph you were such a kid back then." Jenna laughed while rolling on the ground.
" Haha, come on we all have super high expectations from ourselves on the first day of our jobs, and not the country or world, but at least am the best in our state." Ralph sat on the ground resting back on the tree as he saw above, a dim light penetrated the thick forest canopy and sparrow chirps roared through the skies.
"I think we should get going guys, Christopher will be at our stations soon... And can you please hand that pieces of evidence to me, I will be getting it checked by our forensic department." Ralph stretched out his hand and swung it asking for the gun and the magnum.
"Nope, sorry sir Ralph but we have a strict protocol of not submitting any of our shreds of evidence to anyone except our special desk members." Austin slapped Jenna's hand stopping her from submitting the evidence to him.
"Come on buddy, we are police, it's our duty to look after these technical stuff, it's your duty to let us take care of these all technical stuff... Don't be stingy now, hand it over ok?" Ralph gave a 'promising' smile, hiding his urge to push his revolver into Austin's throat and blow his brains off.
"Sorry sir, but our protocols have been revised and we are extremely apologetic for it, but we don't keep any exceptions... You know like we can't trust anyone fully, for us anyone can be criminal... And the only people we can truly trust our ourselves and our acquantise... And the person who has told us to be wary is also someone who we can trust even if someone points guns at us..... So please we can't help you here... We are extremely sorry." Austin bowed to Ralph apologising if he might have hurt his feelings or have been rude to him, cause no matter what Ralph was still his senior.
"Haha... You stubborn little fuck... I will fuck you when I get the opportunity."  Ralph mumbled super low in his voice nodding with his 'promising' smile, but his hands couldn't help but slide at his back, pulling off the safety lock from his revolver.
'I can just finish this mess, no one would be left to report anything-'
Before Ralph could say or do anything a massive figure appeared behind them.
"It seems you all are done working?" A seven-foot-tall guy appeared behind them, wearing a luxury overcoat, even with his massive figure, he did not have any extra muscle or any bulky look, a clean and elegant-looking figure, and firm shoulders highlighting his outstanding figure, as if he might be the reincarnation of some greek god.
"Huh?? Who the he-"
He placed a finger on Ralph's lips and stared right into his eyes, this guy wasn't messing around, he would kill if they disobeyed him.
"Hello..?" Jenna peeked from behind the tree, she pounced behind the tree when she saw a massive shadow appear behind Ralph.
"O-Oh... Hello sir... I thought we would be meeting at our offices right...? We were investigating here..." Jenna bowed and greeted him, still a little surprised by his sudden appearance.
"Yes I know why you all are here, I am here to check exactly how you are doing this investigation... And it appears you found some evidence..." Without a second thought, he slid his hands under Jenna's suit and got his hand in her back pocket.
"Hey!! What the fuck-" Austin and James tried jumping at him, but his deadly glare made their blood shiver.
"P...please..." Jenna squinted her eyes shaking in fear of what awaited her.
"Here." He pulled out the magnum from her back pocket.
"Am sorry if I scared you, but you are very bland, so don't worry, I won't do anything freaky to you-"
Zeno grabbed his shoulder from behind giving him a deadly glare.
"Hahahahahahah... You don't want this hand? It would be my pleasure to pull it apart and feed it to my pets."
"Perhaps you don't need this mouth of yours too? A trash truck is cleaner than this mouth of yours... Or perhaps your dad threw too much money in it?"
Cristopher covered Zeno's mouth with his hands and gave him an ugly smirk, "I like people like you."
Cristopher stretched his other hand toward Austin and gave an obvious look.
"Here..." Austin handed him the pistol and stepped back.
"Hm... I will get it checked by my forensic team, cause the only thing your teams are good for is sucking dicks." Cristopher waved them off as he went out of the forest.
Austin and James rushed towards Jenna, "You ok maam?? He... tried to grab or...?"
"No don't worry you both... He was just pulling out magnum, nothing more..." Jenna sighed as she rubbed her forehead in frustration.
"Let us get him arrested, that fucker can't get away soo easily."
"Don't be stupid, you didn't see his hands? He wore gloves, so we don't have any evidence he touched me, and besides even if we prove with these devices placed by Leo... He has power, and he will easily get out, and then fuck our lives."
Ralph got up and punched a tree.
"Don't worry, I have sent all pics of that gun and magnum to Leo."
"But we lost fingerprints...."
"True... Though thinking about it won't help."
Jenna walked toward Zeno and pulled his sleeves.
"DO you... Think he might be Shadow...?" Silence soon filled the forest as their suspicions landed on the same person, his massive figure and intent to kill

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