You Know How To Make Someone Weak In Knees...

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[Hello! It's my first time wieitng this stuff... So give your review on how to improve it okie? Enjoy!]
Cristopher stepped on his pitch-black mushtang and raced through the town crossing miles barely in seconds.
"What now...? Well... Our goal was to give him the report, and... Even if we don't give it ourselves, he was still getting the reports right? So... It's done for us?" Zeno pulled out his cigarette and took a puff. Exhaling his greeve and anger knowing it very well, 'emotions are the biggest weakness of a human.'
"Hello...? Is... Cristopher gone?" Leo asked slightly shivered behind the call.
"Hm, yeah Le... Anyways... Your reports done?" Jenna pulled out her bike keys and twirled them between her fingers as she walked out of the forest, in the direction of the sun.
"Yup I did, I have prepared everything, tell me when you are on it, I will send it via mail... It would be available for roughly over... 2 minutes."
"Mhm, good boy hehe." Jenna waved her hand in the air signaling everyone to follow her out.
"G... Good boy...? Thanks." Leo couldn't hold back his blush even though they were miles away from each other.
"Alright, tell me now... When are you coming to the office?" Jenna patted the shoulders of Zeno who stood beside her, humming on some old English classic.
 "Yup, Jenn?"
"One for me." 
"You shouldn't smoke too much you know..." Taking a puff he gazed at the winter sun peeking out the silhouettes of clouds, smiling at his imaginations.
"Same goes for you... Come on now, just give it to me... Christopher already was on my nerves..." She kicked a stone while nodding to what Leo was saying.
"By what time will I have to reach the office?" Leo was still online generating every possible outcome their current expedition could obtain, doing his algorithms while sipping on his morning coffee.
"Alright alright... Open your mouth." Leo turned towards unplugging his earphones, his response dumbfounded Jenna, and almost dropped her cell phone.
"Wh... What..." Jenna was confused by the demand he made for her.
"You want a cigarette right?" He asked again with a mischievous yet an inviting tone.
Jenna nodded slightly before burying her face in her shawl.
"Open your mouth," Zeno replied with a smirky look on his face, his hand rubbing his neck, as he flipped the cigarette between his lips. 
Jenna's face flushed red and she stuffed her face in her shawl, her hair curling up on her cheeks due to all the steam built in due to the 'situation.'
"Am waiting hon." His soft gaze locked on her lips, he had a calm yet intriguing aura around him, unintentionally making her obey his request, his voice was relaxing as he embraced her with his gaze itself, caressing her elegant and refined figure... slowly pressing his thumb between her lips.... her lips turned blondish red from all the teasing he did to her, "Can you kiss it for me..." His mellow voice melted her brain, as she sincerely obeyed his command and milled on his thumb... "Such supple yet sweet pair of lips you have..."
Washing down her throat... She carefully inspected his firm hands with her gleaming eyes... Yearning to be embraced between them... "Are we stopping here...?" He could feel the intensity of her lust through her grip on his wrist. "What more do you want cutie..." His warm hands capped her ice-cold cheeks, claiming her to be his... 
"I don't know..." Her gaze collapsed in his palms, flustered by the indecent action they were engaged in. "Look at me, sweetie..." Gently hooking her cheeks in his palm he looked in her eyes... "Tell me, honey... What do you want... Cause... These precious jewels... are way more honest for their needs, than these sweet lips of yours..." Spitting the cigarette aside he gently pecks the corner of her eye.
"K... Kiss..." Her teeny voice brought an impish smirk to his face. He rimmed his lips on her ear and in a pastel voice he continued, "Shall I fuck you?"  Her face flushed red and a playful laugh slid past her lips... "Maybe not today..." Her slender fingers crawled their way under his shirt, caressing his trunk. "Haha... And here I thought I was hunting a kitten..." He snarled at her smooching her lips and caressed her skin. "Hehe... Kitten? You aren't wrong honey... But.. this kitty is past her adolescence." Her fingers insisted on his nipples toying with them, while rubbing around his sensitive skin. "Ahm... Cutie... You want me to get a boner...?" His hands mildly gripped her neck as his thumb caressed her larynx. "And who was intending to get me soaked down there...?" Grabbing his wrist she helped him navigate his way down her nether, caressing her jade-like skin on its way. "It's your mistake cutie..." A cunning and lustful gaze lurked beneath her eyes... as her hands tightly held on his fingers while slightly stroking them on her slits... "You are a mess baby...." His fingers permeate her down there, stirring her insides making her tremble in the face of sheer pleasure and incidence. "Fuck... You have such fuckable fingers, baby..." Her sobs began filling the air around them... As her love juices squirted on his fingers her moans grew louder and more honest... "You... Know how to make someone weak in knees..." Pressing her face in his chest she wailed harder. "Your clits twitching cutie..." His firm fingers gripped in harder,  stimulating her while edging her on peak... and pulling his hands away mili seconds before her orgasm. "You are a cruel you know..." A shakie moan roared in his ears... urging to be teased or rather would say... Urging to hunt... 
"It's my turn now..." She slithered her hands in his pants caressing his torso and pelvis "Wait... If you..." Her slender fingers curled around his shaft causing a shiver down his spine, "How's that baby?... seven.... almost seven and a half... Hehe its still growing." Rimming his tip with her fingertips, she dug her teeth into his collarbone
"Fuck...." A squeak slid past his lips as her fingers navigated every nook and cranny of his shaft... "You ready for it baby?" Her one hand locked him by his wrist onto the tree, as she induced herself onto him and bit on his lower lips, while her palm squeezed onto his tip making him thrust his thing in her hands.
"MHmmmmm... Ahhmmm...." His moan muffled in her mouth as she continued sucking on his lips, "Ahmmm... Am gonna.." Before he could spasm in her palm, she pulled out her hands and gave him a mischievous smirk. "Hey... Why did you stop...." He pulled out his hand from her nether and took a big long breath while collapsing with his back resting on the tree trunk.
"Payback baby... Open your mouth..." A devilish grin cracked on her lips as she glared at his lips.
"Am at your mercy honey..." Before he could finish his sentence she stuffed him with the hand which were rubbing him a while ago... He seductively licked his pre cum between her fingers while smooching and caressing her palm. 
"You liked it?" An eager urge to devour him whole filled her voice as she embraced his face between her palms.
His gaze fixated on hers as he seductively licked the hand through which he rubbed her, "Loved it, honey." He replied in a sugary tone asking for more, making her fall for his submissive role play. 
"Hehe... Am excited for what other stuff we can try..." She patted him on the head and hugged his arm.
"Hehe, too bad we were out of time... Or I would have done this..." She stroked her hands in front of her mouth while drooling from her tongue over them.
"Haha... Now I am curious-"
"Heyooo!!! What are you guys doing???" Andrew and James jumped behind both of them.
"Idiots, don't jump scare us... We were just discussing what to do next, and what are possible outcomes of Cristopher's investigation." Zeno pulled out his pack of cigarettes and handed one to Jenna while pulling one out for himself.
He lit the lighter for, as she burned her cigarette Ralph walked behind Zeno, and the first thing he noticed was a half-burnt cigarette covered in saliva.
"Thanks..." Jenna began walking back to her bike as she stretched herself to warm up before a ride. 'Fuuucckkkk he has slight pink nipples... Man... I wanted to ride him...' She bumped her face into a tree while she was lost in her thoughts.
"Ahh!! Who grew a tree here!!!"
"Hahah, dummy it's a forest, it would be abnormal to not to have trees here." Zeno lightly bonked her head while pulling out his helmet and seating himself on his bike.
"Hehe, Mrs. Senior Detective is an old hag after all." James and Andrew joked while hiding behind Ralph's back.
"Come on both of you... You ain't kids anymore." Ralph sighed before flicking their foreheads.
"Lil brats... Well anyway, we did find some trails and clues... So great work, today's lunch on me ok?" Jenna patted their heads, giving them a motherly smile.
"Yay!!" They both were overjoyed and brimmed with happiness.
"Come on guys, or that 7ft gorilla would go berserk." Ralph slid into his car and turned on the engine.
"Okiee, we're on it."
Everyone got on their bikes and cars and raced back to their offices.
"Tell me whose fingerprints are on them..." Cristopher sat on a table, his legs crossed and his body tilted to the back supported by his hands.
"On it sir, we have obtained the patterns, now the only thing left to do is to process it through stored data for available fingerprints."
"Hmm, make it quick... I have to properly greet a few so-called professionals."

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