Conflicting Thoughts

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"Alright... Thanks, we can take off for today... Yeah... It's almost ten... Oh Le...? He's... He just got up... Dont worry will drop him." Jenna's hands gently stroked Leo's hair. "Still sleepy?"
Grabbing him by his waist she pulled him making him seated.
"N... No..." He rubbed his eyes as he stretched out his arms.
"Here... Have some water." Jenna grabbed Leo's hands and handed him a glass of water, a guilty smile cracked on her face as her heart ached doubting her actions.
"Thanks..." He sipped slowly as if a baby was feeding on milk, Jenna gently patted under his chin and flipped his overcoat on his shoulders. "It seems you had a long dream."
"Yeah... I wanted it to go on forever until my breath faints away..." A noble and pure smile appeared on his face as he stared into the glass.
"I bet it was a happy one." Gently grabbing his chin by her right hand she wiped his lips with her thumb, "Come on, we gotta go... We off for today." Leo looked into her eyes and gave her a monotone smile. "Alright..."
Jenna pulled on her helmet and gave it to Leo, "What about you...?"
"Haha, dont worry sometimes letting the air hit your face feels refreshing." She jumped on her bike and turned on the engine while turning towards Leo, "Hop on, will drop you... And am not taking no an answer."
Leo seated himself behind her and began staring at the helmet.
"What happened? Wear it, dummy, we gotta drop you first then I will have to go home and cook, it's a lot of work." Jenna accelerated as her engines raged.
Leo took a deep breath and slid the helmet on her head.
"Leo?? I told right I want to experience the wind?? And it's dangerous." Jenna turned her head back while sliding the face shield.
"It's more dangerous for you... And I am ok with it trust me..." Leo hid his gaze from her and replied in a small squeaky voice.
"You will get scared I know it, come on put it on dont be stubborn-"
"No! I- I am ok! I won't be scared..." Leo clenched his fists and almost yelled at Jenna, it was totally out of the blue and weird.
"Huh... Ok, dont cry if you get scared." Jenna raced her accelerator at max speed, the engine roared as if hungry beasts had been unleashed to hunt down their prey.
Leo's house was quite far away, even at her maximum speed if they took the highway it would take them well over thirty minutes.
First few minutes Leo was barely able to keep his eyes open, while his hands shivered slightly due to the freezing breeze hitting him.
'I will make you suffer' Jenna stepped on her accelerator, the freezing midnight breeze at over a hundred miles per hour was enough to freeze anyone's blood. Leo tightly sealed his eyes scared for his dear life. "Huh... Are you ok? Am I not too slow right? Shall I speed up?" Jenna's rage was such tremendous that the fear which slowly built in Leo's heart fueled it to the point she wanted him to be shaken.
He could no longer withstand the blizzard hitting his face, at least alone. So he decided to make a bold move... After giving his action a brief thought he wrapped his hands around Jenna's waist, this action was more unexpected than the asteroid hitting and wiping out the dinosaurs.
"What the??!!!" Jenna almost lost control of her bike when Leo's hands wrapped around her.
"It's scary... sniff..." Leo's hands stopped shivering as he pulled himself closer squeezing her soul out. "P... Please... Dont scare me..." Tears began rolling off his cheeks as he tugged in harder onto her.
"Alright... Alright... Calm down ok? I won't speed it up too much... And we are almost at your place too..." Jennas slowed down by almost a quarter of her original speed, yet he was not able to leave her.
After another five miles, they finally reached Leo's apartment, "Wakie wakie... Slept?" Jenna gently patted on his head while he was still hugging her.
"Y... Yes... Am awake..." Leo stepped off her bike and fixed his coat still feeling down.
"Am sorry for scaring you ..." Jenna pulled his cheeks and gave him a cheerful smile.
"I know... I just get scared easily..." Leo giggled slightly hiding the turmoil his mind and heart were going through, Jenna had sensed the distress for a long time, even while he hugged her on their trip to his home, she thought maybe that would calm him down but it was all down in vain.
"O- Ok... I will get going now... I will have to cook and get a good night's sleep... I didn't get a scant of sleep for two days..." Before she could get back on her bike she felt a firm hand grabbing her wrist.
"Dont go..." Leo raised his eyes for the first time after the morning incident, his eyes had the pain he went through, and an unwavering resolve to obtain his love regardless of their current situation.
"I told right, I have to cook... And I need some good amount of sleep too." She tried pushing away his hand, but his grip was too tense.
"I will cook for you... And you can sleep here..." His teeth gritted on his lips as he tightened his grip on her wrist.
"Then where will you sleep?? Come on dont be a kid, you go and have something to eat and sleep, and I will be on my way, dont stop me." regardless of what she said her words didn't reach Leo as he stood there his hands firmly gripping onto hers.
"Hello?? Let me go! Come on-"
"Just for today! Please...." Leo pulled her by her hand and looked into her eyes, "I won't be sleeping... I have slept a lot..." He gulped down his nervousness took a deep breath and pulled her to the elevator without waiting for her answer.
"You never listen to me!! Arghh you know, sometimes you are soo fucking annoying you know! Fine, I am coming so dont pull me!! And dont you dare snooze at work tomorrow get it? Or I will choke you myself." Jenna pulled away her anger and walked inside the elevator.
"Wh... What will you eat..." Leo fidgetted his fingers slightly nervous due to her spoilt mood.
"Korean fried chicken." She pulled out her earphones plugging them in, ignoring Leo's presence completely.
The elevator stopped and both of them got off while Jenna led the path, stretching her arm out and asking for the key the moment they reached his room. Leo handed her the keys as she swiftly unlocked the door and jumped on his bed.
"I... will go cook you can go take a bath..." Leo put his sling bag aside and wore his parade from behind the door, while Jenna completely ignored him while scrolling on her phone.
Leo peeked through his kitchen while doing some preparations.
He walked beside her and pulled out her earphones, "Um... Would you like to take a bath...?"
"Huh... Yeah, after all, I was dragged here... I would better make full use of your place, right? Get aside now." Pushing Leo away from herself she threw her cell phone and earphones on the bed and walked in to freshen herself.
"She is angry..." Leo walked back into the kitchen to begin the cooking.
By the time he was done doing his all necessary preparations and making the sauce for the chicken, he saw the towel still hanging on his dining chair.
'Ah, she forgot to take it with her.'
He grabbed the towel and towards the bathroom to find a pile of clothes littered at the front door, 'She is... messy...' He went ahead and picked up all of her clothes while dumbing them in the laundry basket, he noticed a slight glimmer from the corner of his eye. When he walked closer he noticed a notification had popped onto Jenna's cellphone, at first he ignored it, but on closer inspection it had the name 'Zeno' as the sender's name, a weird feeling popped into his chest, his hands slowly approached her cell phone, his heartbeat raced harder than RTA 96... He gathered courage and slid down the notification bar unveiling the texts sent by Zeno, and the ad part is his predictions were accurate...
Zeno: It was really fun today right? I was thrilled to the very last minute... Haha, and your vicious and dominating nature was an amendable sweetie.
Zeno:- I truly can't wait for us to explore each other more, while unveiling our deepest and darkest fantasies hehe.
Zeno:- OK it's almost midnight, am gonna sleep okie?
Zeno:- Sleep well darling *Flying Kiss sticker*

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