v. how they all met

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CHAPTER FIVE - 🍂 ୧ how they . . .
   all met ও🦌

WHILE THE PRANK WAR between the Gryffindor's and Ravenclaw-Slytherin trio was the centre of attention and focus for the majority of the students, they were somewhat dumbfounded upon witnessing the seemingly amicable interactions that occurred betw...

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WHILE THE PRANK WAR between the Gryffindor's and Ravenclaw-Slytherin trio was the centre of attention and focus for the majority of the students, they were somewhat dumbfounded upon witnessing the seemingly amicable interactions that occurred between the two rivalling parties when the Prank War wasn't under consideration.

Although the two parties generally participated in a playful back-and-forth involving mischief and pranks, they surprisingly maintained a level of closeness and even got along with each other outside the realm of the Prank War.

As part of their preparation for the upcoming OWLs that were imminent, the two parties found themselves in the library, studying for their respective exams under the watchful eye of their individual House leaders, with the goal of attaining stellar results. They were, for the most part, free from detentions, due to their pranks not being overtly disruptive. Despite the minimal amount of reprimand they received from teachers or the staff, their respective Heads of House, in their efforts to further encourage success, urged the teenagers to study regardless.

The large group somehow found themselves in smaller groups according to the subjects they needed time be focus on.

Autumn, alongside James, was focusing on Transfiguration, with the former being the one to offer help and guidance during their session together.

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