xliii. full moon troubles

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CHAPTER FORTY THREE - 🍂 ୧ full moon. . .
troubles ও🦌

REMUS WOKE UP ON THE MORNING of the 27th of October 1977, expecting the same pattern that he had become used to every time it was the day of the full moon

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REMUS WOKE UP ON THE MORNING of the 27th of October 1977, expecting the same pattern that he had become used to every time it was the day of the full moon. However, surprisingly, this time, he felt just fine.

Instead of the fatigue, weakness and illness that he was accustomed to, he felt this desire for closeness and this hunger to be near someone, and he knew who exactly that someone was.

And so, once he had gathered himself and found the strength, Remus set out to find Raven Summers.

Remus kept these thoughts firmly locked away in his subconscious, aware of what they truly meant but too terrified of facing them to let them come to mind.

Raven, however, he had grown increasingly fond of, and yet, his affliction held him back. His fear of pursuing her because of his condition held him hostage and prevented him from openly admitting his feelings and trying to pursue something deeper with her.

Although the idea of her thinking him a monster was far removed from Remus's mind, he knew that she cared for him deeply. As they had grown closer, she would visit him in the hospital wing when he was admitted before the full moon, and she would be the very first to check in on him the next morning as he was recuperating.

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