xlvii. in the middle of the night

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CHAPTER FORTY SEVEN - 🍂 ୧ in the . . .
middle of the night ও🦌

RUBBING HER EYES AND SITTING UP, Autumn found herself suddenly awake in the middle of the night

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RUBBING HER EYES AND SITTING UP, Autumn found herself suddenly awake in the middle of the night. A wave of urgency came over her, and her thoughts centred on one specific need. She was plagued by an overwhelming desire to draw.

The urgent desire to draw consumed her and she knew she wouldn't be able to ignore it. Autumn quietly slipped out from under her covers and padded across the room towards her desk. She lit her wand using the tip, casting a dim glow over her materials.

With a sense of determination and urgency, what felt like seconds to Autumn had passed by as she quickly drew, her focus unwavering and intense. Suddenly, Raven stirred, awakened by the sound of the intense scribbling filling the room. The sound of a quill, furiously etching onto the parchment, echoed with an almost haunting quality.

Raven shifted in her bed, her head lifting from her pillow as she tried to figure out what the strange sound was that had woken her. As she listened intently, she realized that it was the sound of Autumn's quill writing on parchment with a sense of fervour.

As Raven padded across the room and stood behind Autumn, peering over her shoulder to see what her friend had been sketching, her brow furrowed with wonder. In a hushed tone, she asked, "Is that... a diadem?"

AUTUMN, james potterWhere stories live. Discover now