vii. why you jealous, james?

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CHAPTER SEVEN - 🍂 ୧ why you . . .
jealous, james? ও🦌

FOLLOWING THE LENGTHY DISCUSSION that the trio had engaged in with Remis, he divulged the details of the circumstances that had transpired

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FOLLOWING THE LENGTHY DISCUSSION that the trio had engaged in with Remis, he divulged the details of the circumstances that had transpired.

He provided the updated information they had been anticipating, mentioning that it was merely he and Sirius who had been estranged.

The rest of the group was still friendly towards one another, remaining united amidst the dilemma and focusing on maintaininga balance in the time spent with both males.

Raven and Autumn were engaged in a spirited debate with one another, which concerned the appropriate course of action to be taken against Sirius for his misdeed. The pair were evidently riled by the betrayal that their friend had displayed, and the intensity of their anger had the potential to cause the pair to deliver a punishment that was more severe than justified.

Elliot, who had chosen to seat himself next to Remus, as posed a question of caution to the Slytherin, "Should we stop them before they do actually murder someone."

Elliot responded with a flippant answer, dismissing the concern, remarking, "Nah mate, they are out of anyone's control."

Raven attempted to provide reassurance to the Gryffindor, projecting a demeanour of soothing and affability as she conveyed her assurance.

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