lxxii. here with me

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CHAPTER SEVENTY TWO - 🍂୧ here. . .
with me ও🦌

A FEW MONTHS AFTER THEIR WEDDING, Autumn had decided to talk about the wedding and Elliot's presence, she was grateful it didn't provoke the anger she expected from James

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A FEW MONTHS AFTER THEIR WEDDING, Autumn had decided to talk about the wedding and Elliot's presence, she was grateful it didn't provoke the anger she expected from James. Instead, he confessed that he had secretly sent an owl to Elliot, hoping to give Autumn the chance to see him if only for a moment.

James remained uncertain about Elliot's intentions and allegiance, but the unwavering friendship Autumn held for him was something he could never change.

Autumn was surprised but incredibly grateful for James's revelation. It showed his understanding and respect for her feelings, even though he didn't necessarily agree with them.

By the time June arrived, James and Autumn had re-joined the Order and resumed their roles, ready to tackle whatever challenges lay ahead in their fight for justice.

As the summer months went on, James and Autumn found themselves deeply involved in their work for the Order. The tasks before them were difficult, but they approached them with determination and unwavering focus.

The arrival of August brought with it a sense of finality for James. It was the month in which he had made a pivotal decision.

It had taken James four months to finally return to his family home - something he thought he could never do. The memories of his parents would overwhelm him whenever he even considered the idea, but the months of delaying the inevitable inadvertently strengthened his resolve.

AUTUMN, james potterWhere stories live. Discover now