lxxiii. meeting the weasley family

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CHAPTER SEVENTY THREE - 🍂୧ meeting. . .
the weasley familyও🦌

THE HOUSE HUNTING PROVED to be more challenging than both James and Autumn had anticipated

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THE HOUSE HUNTING PROVED to be more challenging than both James and Autumn had anticipated. With their work for the Order consuming most of their time, they found themselves constantly having to delay their search for a new home.

The demands of the Order kept house hunting on the back burner for the couple.

James was assigned to a lengthy assignment that would keep him away for a few weeks, while Autumn found herself practically confined to Headquarters due to her episodes of needing to draw, which, ironically, turned out to be quite beneficial for the entire Order more than usual.

Despite the challenges, Autumn made the most out of her time at Headquarters. Her episodes of needing to draw became a regular event, with other members of the Order quickly learning to recognize the signs of her artistic frenzy.

"You're in the zone again, aren't you?" Gideon would comment teasingly whenever he saw her sketching diligently, her quill moving furiously across the parchment, if it wasn't Gideon it was Fabian.

"Can't blame her," Fabian would chime in, grinning at his brother. "When inspiration strikes, you can't hold back, can you, Autumn?"

Autumn would merely nod in response, her focus solely on her sketches, unaware of the fond glances and chuckles passing between the Prewett brothers.

AUTUMN, james potterWhere stories live. Discover now