lxii. the order & missions

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CHAPTER SIXTY TWO - 🍂୧ the order . . .
& missions ও🦌

THE FIRST ORDER OF THE PHOENIX meeting had finally arrived, bringing both excitement and anxiety to the new members

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THE FIRST ORDER OF THE PHOENIX meeting had finally arrived, bringing both excitement and anxiety to the new members. This meeting marked their official induction into the war, a source of trepidation and uncertainty for the inexperienced, who faced the enormity of the looming conflict.

As the members gathered in a small, dimly lit room, James and Autumn could feel the energy shifting. The usual chatter and banter had given way to a more sombre atmosphere, one of both anxious anticipation and determination.

James found a seat, pulling Autumn down next to him. They exchanged a nervous glance, both feeling the gravity of the situation they had volunteered for.

Autumn observed the arrival of her friends, one by one. As Sirius, Peter, Remus, and Raven settled into their seats, she couldn't help but notice the absence of their final companion, Lily.

Raven, seated next to her, leaned over and commented, "Lily is late."

Autumn, her thoughts loud and clear, nodded in agreement, her gaze shifting back to the entrance, anticipating Lily's arrival any moment.

AUTUMN, james potterWhere stories live. Discover now