lxxiv. we'll face it together

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CHAPTER SEVENTY FOUR - 🍂୧ we'll. . .
face it together ও🦌

AUTUMN EXPERIENCED A WHIRLWIND of events in just a few months, she found it challenging to express the magnitude of her experiences

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AUTUMN EXPERIENCED A WHIRLWIND of events in just a few months, she found it challenging to express the magnitude of her experiences. She had the pleasure of meeting Fabian and Gideon's lovely family, and they quickly became an integral part of both her and even James' lives.

The Order was gaining momentum, with assignments running smoothly and minimal setbacks. Everything seemed promising.

However, as with all good things, there was a catch. Autumn and her friends found themselves face to face with the Dark Lord once again, enduring an encounter that compelled them to flee once more, refusing his tempting offer to join his ranks.

This particular encounter was different, as it involved Raven, Peter, and Remus, who unintentionally unveiled the past encounter between Autumn, James, Sirius, and Lily with the Dark Lord.

However, the revelation of the previous encounter brought a level of openness within the Order. Due to the established trust among the members, the younger ones paired with the older ones, casting no doubt on potential leaks of information. Although concerns may have lingered beneath the surface, the bonds forged through partnerships prevented any significant strain within the Order.

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