lix. nastily exhausting wizarding test

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CHAPTER FIFTY NINE - 🍂 ୧ nastily exhausting . . .
wizarding test ও🦌


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THE MUCH-ANTICIPATED DAY HAD ARRIVED – the N.E.W.T.S exam had commenced. All the 7th-year students had harboured trepidation, even those who had studiously applied themselves in their studies. The prospect of facing the formidable exam induced a sense of foreboding among them.

The usual banter and lighthearted mood that pervaded the Great Hall were conspicuously missing. Instead, an air of solemnness and tension hung over the room. The 7th-year students sat silently, their faces etched with a mixture of nervousness and determination. The sight of the professors walking between the tables, handing out parchments, only added to the mounting suspense.

James, sitting between Sirius and Remus, felt his heart pounding in his chest. He had been one of the last to finish his preparation, relying more on his knack for improvising than actual studying. He glanced around the hall, seeing the anxiety written on the faces of his fellow students, and silently admitted to himself that he hadn't fully considered the enormity of the exams until now.

As he sat there, his tension evident, Autumn, seated behind him, extended a comforting gesture. Seeing his anxiety clearly displayed, she reached over and gently patted his tense shoulder in a show of reassurance.

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