xii. second week of o.w.l.s

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CHAPTER TWELVE - 🍂 ୧ second week . . .
   of o.w.l.s ও🦌

THE WEEKEND HAD CONCLUDED, and this signified the beginning of the second round of OWLs examinations

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THE WEEKEND HAD CONCLUDED, and this signified the beginning of the second round of OWLs examinations. The students now had to face a second week-long regimen and a fresh set of trials, as the first week was completed, and the fifth-year students now approached the final stretch of their education of the year.

The first subject being examined was Defense Against the Dark Arts, a field that many individuals in the group found intriguing and engaging. Although it was not all of their strongest areas of proficiency, the practical components elicited excitement, as the students enjoyed participating in real-world applications and scenarios, rather than memorizing and analyzing abstract concepts and theories.

Autumn arrived, before most of her friend group, as she was accompanied by Remus. The pair took their seats in prep for the exam, and they would be in close proximity to one another throughout the testing period. The male sat directly behind her, so she would have to frequently shift her body and turn in order to interact with him in a face-to-face manner.

This light exchange of banter ended abruptly, as Remus abruptly shifted to a different subject of inquiry, "So, Autumn, are you ever going to tell James that it was you and not Evans, that was in the hospital wing back in third year?"

AUTUMN, james potterWhere stories live. Discover now