xiv. her initiation

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CHAPTER FOURTEEN - 🍂 ୧ her . . .
initiation ও🦌

THE FINAL COUPLE DAYS OF THE SCHOOL YEAR had brought a welcomed update for Autumn Rivers, as she had been released from the hospital, and returned to her friends

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THE FINAL COUPLE DAYS OF THE SCHOOL YEAR had brought a welcomed update for Autumn Rivers, as she had been released from the hospital, and returned to her friends. During this timeframe, they all witnessed a new face, as Lily Evans was integrated into the circle they formed, and the friend group accepted her with open arms.

The established friend group of three had welcomed, a new acquaintance, as the inclusion of Lily marked the completion of the circle. In turn, the former trio decided to venture to a separate location, a destination removed from the marauders, for the purpose of having a private conversation, where their privacy could be ensured, and they could discuss matters without interruption.

The trio, feeling that they needed to provide Lily with the full experience of being a member of their friend group, had arranged for her to partake in their final prank against the marauders of the year. Fortunately, The Gryffindor wanted to provide her with an opportunity to experience the thrill of their notorious antics, and they were all eager to participate, as they all anticipated the fun they would have, as one unit, completing the prank, which would be the perfect way to end off the school year.

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