lxxi. the stages of grief

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CHAPTER SEVENTY ONE - 🍂୧ the stages. . .
of grief ও🦌

IT WAS ON APRIL 20TH, 1979, that James was faced with a reality he had dreaded

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IT WAS ON APRIL 20TH, 1979, that James was faced with a reality he had dreaded. The day of his father's passing came too soon, and only a few days later, on April 23rd, his mother also succumbed to Dragon Pox. James felt as if his world was falling apart, but his wife stood by his side through all of it. She was there for him through his anger, denial, the days he refused to leave their bed, and every tear he shed.

Autumn's heart ached as she watched her husband go through the pain and turmoil of losing his parents. She wished she could take his pain away, but all she could do was be there for him, a pillar of support in his moment of need.

She held him as he wept, she stayed silent as he vented his anger, and on days when he refused to leave their bed, she wrapped her arms around him, a silent promise of solace and comfort.

There were days when James would sit alone, staring at an old photograph of his parents and days when he would explode with uncharacteristic rage, lashing out at anyone who tried to help. But Autumn understood that these were the symptoms of grief, a process he needed to go through.

So, she gave him the space he needed, but was always nearby, ready to offer him a comforting touch, a kind word, or simply her silent presence, a silent reminder that he was not alone in his pain.

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