lxi. no matter what happens

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CHAPTER SIXTY ONE - 🍂୧ no matter . . .
what happens ও🦌

JAMES AND AUTUMN OFTEN DISCUSSED their future plans together

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JAMES AND AUTUMN OFTEN DISCUSSED their future plans together. They envisioned a life with children and even contemplated the possibility of having pets. However, one crucial aspect they had not openly addressed was the timeline for their marriage.

In order to move forward, James needed to seek the blessing of Autumn's parents. Her mother Aurelia had always adored James, but her father August had mixed feelings towards him. Some days he wished to disregard James' existence, while other days he merely tolerated him. Surprisingly, there were rare instances where August showed a genuine liking for James.

Despite these occasional positive encounters, James was wary of asking August for his daughter's hand. He feared August's disapproval, knowing that his good opinions of James were few and far between.

However, the recent events had only heightened James' resolve to ask for August's blessing. There was an increased urgency and importance in knowing where he stood with Autumn's parents, and James knew that he couldn't put off the question any longer.

The teenagers had just recently graduated from school, and James was well aware that bringing up the topic of marriage would not be as simple as he had initially envisioned.

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