- " Do You Hear That?"7 -

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I can't show you a picture of this position cause one I'm not tryna hear nothing from the wattpad creators thank you so just use the description and look it up thank you
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Mingi's eyelids fluttered, barely lifting, as a dull, throbbing pain pulsed at the base of his skull. His world was an indistinct blur, shapes and shadows swirling in the murk of half-consciousness. His surroundings refused to come into focus, an unfamiliar and disorienting smear of darkness. Cold air brushed his skin, not just chilling, but biting, cutting through his senses like sharp needles. It felt wrong—alien, hostile—pricking at his flesh as if the very air was trying to expose him.

The chill slithered up his spine, a creeping sensation of vulnerability settling deep in his bones. He tried to shake it off, but his body felt leaden, disconnected. His arms—too heavy, sluggish—refused to respond. Instinctively, he tried to raise them, to move, but nothing happened. A surge of panic clawed at his chest, a frantic pulse that sent him fully awake in a flash. His breath caught in his throat as his vision sharpened just enough for him to make out his bound wrists, the rough texture of rope digging into his skin. He tried to pull them apart, but the knot only bit deeper, the ropes pulling taut.

His heart raced, thundering in his ears as his gaze darted downward. His ankles, too, were restrained, tied together with the same coarse rope. He lay in a twisted position, his body bent unnaturally. His back pressed hard against something uneven and jagged—an old desk, rough wood biting into his spine. The desk's surface, cold and hard, was the only thing anchoring him in the dizzying chaos of his senses. He wasn't just tied up; he was immobilized, his body curled awkwardly, like a puppet strung up in a position no human should be forced into.

His chest pounded, the sound of his heartbeat thudding in his ears like the relentless rhythm of a war drum. Breath came faster, shallow and jagged, as he strained against the ropes binding him. The coarse fibers bit into his wrists, a searing burn digging into his skin with each futile jerk. The restraints were too tight, reducing his efforts to nothing but feeble, trembling twitches.

He swallowed hard, his throat dry, words barely escaping in a hoarse whisper. "What... what the hell?" His voice faltered, lost beneath the chaotic storm raging inside him. He tried to shift, his muscles stiff and aching from the unnatural position, but every small movement only heightened the sickening awareness of something worse.

The cool air ghosted across his skin, sending a sudden shock of realization through him. His body—vulnerable, exposed.

Completely naked.

The realization hit him like a sudden blow, knocking the air from his lungs. Time seemed to freeze. His breath stuttered, catching in his throat as his body tensed, his skin prickling with an unbearable rawness. A slick layer of cold sweat coated him, making every inch of his exposed skin feel clammy, vulnerable. The tightness in his chest spread to his throat, squeezing until it felt as though the very air had turned solid, trapping him in a suffocating grip of terror. His pulse pounded, a deafening roar that swallowed the world around him, leaving only the frantic beat of his own fear.

"What... what is this?" His voice wavered, cracking under the weight of confusion and dread. His thoughts scrambled, desperately reaching for some thread of memory that could explain why he was here. Flashes flickered behind his eyes, disjointed pieces of a puzzle that refused to fit together. Chaos. He remembered chaos. Books flying, torn from shelves by some unseen force, papers swirling like debris in a storm. Screams, piercing and frantic, his friends' voices tangled with his own terror. And then—blackness. The sharp crack of a desk slamming into his skull, the world spinning, tilting, before everything went dark.

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