Cauda 04 - The Nun and the Sinner Lady

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Cauda 04 - The Nun and the Sinner Lady

"Ready to go ballistic?"

"Ready to go ballistic?"

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The Carnival Vs. Mommy Meanest, Matriarch of the Dearest Family & Taki, Xyeeno of a Corrupted Church

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Artist: E-Sagglia

Song: Vital

Mommy took a step forward, entering the aisle, pews on either side. She had a villainous look on her face, practically salivating at the thought of murder.

Annie, likewise, saw red.

"ERRAAAGH!" Annie screamed, throwing the pew with all her strength towards Mommy. She didn't move, expecting the next action instead.

Taki, with lightning speed drew her hidden hand, revealing an oversized black and yellow chainsaw. With one swift move she stepped in front of Mommy and slashed the chainsaw through the pew, the two halves careening behind them. All the while Taki retained that sick mouth-open smile.

"Thank you Taki." Mommy said. "You know she's quite capable. She just happened upon this church when it was built. Since then," Mommy shrugged, "Defends this place like no tomorrow. I'm not gonna complain." She let out a predatorial grin. Mommy and Taki walked forward, ready to strike.

Annie wanted blood. But she also knew Carol and Whitty would fare better. She took charge. "You and Whitty take the mother. The kid and I will handle this hag." Annie spat, eyes narrowing. Much as she wanted a go at Mommy she also knew Carol and Whitty would fare better, not to mention their shared 'history'.

"Got it." Carol said, focusing on Mommy. "You ready hun?"

"Always." Whitty replied.

Annie grabbed Pompom and ran into the pews. Taki remained focused on Carol and Whitty, raising her chainsaw. It didn't take much to change focus. Annie ripped a piece off the pew and chucked it at Taki, the piece bouncing off her head.

"Over here you bitch!" Annie spat.

It got her attention and turned, entering another row, walking slowly and wielding the chainsaw. It let out of a whirr as she held it.

"Taki." Updike said through the comlink. "Is she an abomination?"


"Fascinating! See if you can subdue her. For capture."

"No way am I getting hacked to bits for your science project!" Annie said.

"Indeed. No captures this time. It is not worth it." Displo added.

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