Cauda 19 - Ultimate Showdown

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"What's wrong? Scared?"

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Artist: Retromob [Melo Flamez]

Song: Level 99

While the horde may have been deadly, this was the true final test. You needed a team to bind Tricky. 4 people, Displo said. Looking at the Carnival you already knew who your picks would be.

Tabi was an instant choice. After all he'd been through with you he had to come.

"Even if we die, it will be among friends. I couldn't ask for anything less." Tabi said, shaking your hand.

You think on it. From a purely strength-based rapport, and one of the few still going hard you knew he needed to join. You didn't speak to him much but from Updike's own opinion of him, the guy wielded power.


Whitty landed nearby. The X's in his eyes vanished as his sanity returned. Wiping bloodied hands on his pants he smirked. "Heh, recognizing my talent over weatherboy?"

Updike rolled his eyes. "If you perish it will make my job easier."

Whitty nudged Updike. "Hehe, you don't really mean that."

Updike shook his head and gave Whitty a huge pat on the back, nearly toppling him over. "...Give them hell, Whitmore. This is what you are built for after all."

You look to Tabi for the next person. "We need speed and accuracy." Tabi said. "Botan."

A sniper shot rang nearby as Botan got up. She fired one last shot before joining you and the others. She drew her sniper rifle, vanilla-coloured with sandy-camoflauge all over. Her eyes were still black, whatever S did to her still prevalent.

"Had a feeling I'd be helping you in the end. I don't really know this Tricky guy but from what I've seen he needs to be stopped."

"Pft. You just picked her cause you're a fan." Agoti said through the link. Tabi didn't respond, though was not fully wrong.

Botan chambered a bullet in the gun. "Let's do what we need to do."

You needed one last person. And you needed someone durable who would have no fears facing Legion. "I want that Smiler guy."

Something warped him over, the creature appearing in front of you. Covered in blood it added red to his black and grey personage. "I'll help. For my girl and store. Tell me what needs to be done." He said solemnly, axe still glowing from Retro's acid.

"We're gonna stop Tricky and Legion."

"Hmm? Aren't you forgetting someone?" An eldritch voice asked. It rung in your ears, like he was speaking within you.

"Aren't you sealing though?"

"I mean yeah, but..." S appeared above you. "Hell if I'm not gonna be front and centre for this last fight. I want another go at him. In fact, you solari's, let me do this." S looked up.

You hand the chains to the final party. Looking around, you still find it unbelievable this was just supposed to be a heist. A lot could've been improved but you felt proud you, nay, everyone made it this far.

"Hey, hold on a sec bozo!" Rosie said. "You're gonna need this." Rosie tossed a pistol at you. A bright pink colour, it had marbles etches of white flowers all over the weapon. It was her personal one.

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