Cauda 16 - We Are Many

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"I haven't had a good trolling in a while."

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Artist: Litüus

Song: Coembody

"That's right IRIS Agent. Where is he? Where is Agent Blueballs? I know there is one in this world."

Displo gulped. This was way out of his league.

The monster's eyes each contained a tiny pupil, barely caught by the camera's lens. Soulless and psychopathic it starred, head vibrating.

Aside from the monster standing in the camera Displo could see all signals vanishing, fading as all connections were gradually lost. Tess too, could see it in her mind.

"Displo what's going on?"

Displo took a step back. Alone now, he needed to think of a plan.

"Blueballs isn't with you is he? That's good. I warm up with you all first." The being said into the camera. Tess could hear it now, terror starting to creep up.

"Why-how did you-"

"Well your own 'friend', TV-head gave your signal. Psychic ordered it and your own girl put the command in."

333. Nikku. Damnit! Displo thought. I should have realized sooner.

With several of the cameras offline the camera showing Legion replicated, all screens now showing his face.

The others congregated around the screens, a mix of fear and confusion as to what was starring at them. Solazar didn't react, instead messing with the console in an attempt to re-establish connection.

"Carol. Call BF. Tell him 333." Displo said. He recalled what he knew about Case 333. Not of this planet. Fought Agent Blueballs, aka Boyfriend at one point. Reads minds. Undefeated. Possibly the first trollge.

"Uh, I got no signal."


"How about I give you one minute before I get in there?" Legion on the camera didn't move, Whitty realizing it was a still image. The building shook. "60 seconds." The monster said aloud.

"I am coming." The cameras all shut off as the lights flickered. He was destroying the wiring.

Displo took a deep breath, clearing his cache. "Botan. Build a perimeter. Annie help her." He began unbuttoning his sleeve, reading the LOIC. "Solazar. Tess. Start reconfiguring the system. We have backup methods. We need to reach either BF or the rest of the team."

"We'll take it down." Whitty said, raising a fist. Carol nodded. "Pft. We got this."

"Do what you can. But be careful." Displo concluded. He didn't have time to determine if Whitty and Carol could take him. The two ran out.

"Displo how difficult will this fight be?" Solazar asked plainly.

"So long as we maintain a strategy...I cannot determine percentages."

"What about statistics of us 'saving' it?"

"Unlikely. I have one way that might work though I'm not sure. If I remember correctly Legion wasn't even defeated in the Fall of TCF. He just sort of vanished. I don't know what Blueballs-er-Boyfriend did."

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