Cauda 06 - All Bets Off

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"You know this demon?!"

"H-hold on. You can't be serious. We gotta get out of here!" Kapi said.

"How do you know it was a cry? Er, I mean it sounded like it was in pain but-" Theo started to ask but Updike cut him off. "The language. That was a form of demonic. I don't know it exactly, but I believe translated it said, 'help me'."

Kapi didn't like the direction this was heading in. "E-even so-"

Updike shook his head. "That scream is going to attract patrols if it's not some kind of alert already. We need to silence it. The victim could even as well be Retro. This area is the optimal place for a prison."

"Uh-Uh-You really sure this is a good idea?" Kapi asked. "I mean, can't Theo use his drones or something to check? Or-we could get Huggy too. Y-yeah!" Kapi said as Huggy put him down. He reached into his backpack and pulled out a navy-blue hoodie, the sache a darker blue. "Huggy. Can you smell this and tell us where it is?" Huggy nodded and gave a sniff. Closing his eyes he allowed his nose to do the seeing.

"I do have to agree with Updike here." Theo said. "This would be the optimum spot for a prison. And if there are others, freeing them would be the perfect distraction as we loot the quarters." Theo said cunningly.

Solazar had taken a rather hands off approach to this team. He knew Updike more than capable of leading. But for this 'side quest' he felt he had to comment.

"Updike. Are you absolutely sure this is a good idea? If there was a prison break it would only wrought more chaos." He asked through the comlink.

"How is the state above?" Updike asked.

"All quiet. There are investigations going on regarding the church and a patrol of demons trying to trail Annie. Python will be leaving later. Team Lisp has fooled everyone for now." Solazar replied. "It has been chalked up to a religious terroristic attack on the church. "

"That's right!" Mommy declared through the comlink. It made Kapi flinch though the others knew it was just Nikku (as if the giggling afterwards didn't indicate so).

"We are going to investigate first. This is for intelligence purposes. I don't believe we need to free anyone yet though it will provide substantial support should we need to. Perhaps give us a clearer picture of what exactly is going on here."

"Very well." Solazar said.

Huggy detected a few foreign scents down the tunnel. Cologne, chemicals, blood, sulfur, metal and a small hint of bubblegum. But no Retro. He smelled more intently, faintly picking up the hoodie's scent. Not down the tunnel but up through the basement. Huggy motioned there.

"S-see? Retro isn't down there. Let's just leave this-"

"I disagree my feline friend. I believe we have a duty to help the lost souls down there. It is for the Greater Good, isn't it?"

Nikku, hearing the conversation, couldn't help but snicker at Theo's pompousness. Updike cracked a smile.

Kapi shook his head. Why me? "Can't you use your drones to check?"

"I suppose I could. Allow me a few moments to check."

Kapi breathed a sigh of relief. As a fourth scream echoed Kapi flinched again. This scream sounded the least distorted, anguish present in its cadence. Something about it bothered Kapi. He shuddered.

"What is it?" Theo asked, digging through his bag.

"It's sounds familiar."

"All the more reason to investigate." Updike said.

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