Cauda 08 - Rogue Waves

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"I got a clear shot."

Moments Earlier...

Blackjack exhaled quietly, bones still aching. It didn't help that he and Theo practically dragged the whole lab into the basement. The two now sat at a table. One half covered in drones and a laptop stolen from the lab, then configured by S to give feeds. Theo had also obtained a night stick from the lab which became his primary weapon. It laid on the table as well.

On the other half, more jars of preserves. Blackjack pigged out and though he could feel strength returning his body demanded rest.

He remained seated, allowing tire to overtake him.

Theo stole glances at the demon a few times. Though the team had its fair share of 'unholy' beings this was the first time he came face to face with a real demon. There was that red fellow whose name Theo already forgot but he knew that large man was just a regular guy at heart. Not to mention that Blackjack already bested him. He knew full well not to get too interested in Blackjack. Years of engineering taught him to separate work from hobby.

He still wanted to know more about Blackjack, however. "So are you really a demon?" Theo asked.

Blackjack puffed smoke, not in anger but unconsciously. "Yes. What is your deal anyway? You seem awfully too full of wonder for what you people are here to do."

With the laptop now displaying a feed of the drone, Theo activated it and the blades whirred to life. Strapped to its bottom were a series of bombs Theo could drop on command.

"To tell you the truth I have never really dealt with the paranormal before. I always knew such a world like this existed but never had the opportunity to, how should I say, sink my teeth into it...well, willing opportunity. I do not count ghosts. And this is my first encounter with a real demon too. This experience has been very eye-opening for me." Theo confessed.

Blackjack snickered. He appreciated Theo's forthright attitude. Under normal circumstances he knew he could screw with him. But being that it was Theo's team that saved him he felt otherwise.

"Well, us demons each have a function. Mine is for greed. I can tell you don't care much for monetary possessions though. I know greed exists in other ways, but I deal mainly with the gambler."

"I have my own sins and vices though you are correct. Money has never been the reason I do the things I do."

Blackjack nodded. He sat back, looking at the laptop as Theo began to control it. It took flight carefully moving upwards as Theo controlled it. Whirring past the stairs it slowly entered the bunker above. It was something to watch as his body worked through the sudden amount of salt and sugar Blackjack hit it with.

As Theo moved the drone cautiously, he continued the conversation. "Updike informed me they have hellhounds up there. That is what I need to destroy."

"Yes. Vicious creatures. Far worse than what they have guarding."

"I've noticed the guards here aren't that intelligent."

"Indeed." Blackjack puffed. "But they are stupidly loyal and dangerous in groups."

Moving into the mansion proper Theo found the window Huggy opened. Figuring it the best approach he activated a laser on the drone. Cutting through the grating it gave him an exit. With fog forming around Theo couldn't see much, condensation starting to form on the lens. He flew up, getting a better look at the compound.

"That's them." Blackjack pointed to a spot on the screen. Two long buildings forming an L with a small dirt yard in the area between them. Thanks to the hellhound's natural fire it glowed above the compound.

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