Cauda 23 - Mission Complete!

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"Well. It's not our problem."

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Artist: BJ Cole

Song: Pavane Pour Line Enfante Defunte

(sometime later)

As sunlight started to stream in through the windows Tabi awoke

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As sunlight started to stream in through the windows Tabi awoke. Early in the morning it should have been the time he usually got up at but something else stirred him. He heard a muffled cry. At least, he thought so.

"...didn't mean it..." He heard mumbled from the other side of the bed. He got up, immediately alarmed at the situation. You, under the blankets were shaking.

Definitely not shaking from the temperature. It may have been a midsummer but you never kept the house cold. There was erratic breathing as well, panting even. Nay, between the mumbling and trembling it was clear you were a having a bad dream. Or rather, less a dream and more a nightmare.

You mumbled incoherently, only a few words understandable. A combo of groans, words that you didn't want this and to get away, all mumbled through clenched teeth.

It was a night terror. There was no doubt in Tabi's mind about it.

"(Y/N)?" He whispered. There was no response. He got a bit closer, whispering again. There was, again, no response. "It's okay. Everything's alright." He said, a little more concerned this time.

He knew what it was like to have vivid nightmares, and how he wished to be free from them. Recalling you had done the same thing to him one night, he decided to return the favour. You didn't deserve this.

Your hand was loose, on the middle of the bed, occasionally twitching, like you were reaching for something not currently there. Tabi moved carefully, weaving his fingers win yours as he lifted your hand slightly.

"It's gonna be okay. I am here." He whispered to you. The mumbling stopped as you held a bit tighter, the movement involuntary. The shaking subsided as did your twitching.

Eyes open you're nearly panic at the site of flames before realizing it was just Tabi looking deep into you. A sigh later, you speak. "Tab, what's going on?"

"You were having a nightmare. Mumbling about something. I couldn't make it out."

"I, uh,-" Heart beating fast you try to remember just what it was you saw. Whatever it was, your mind was blank. The nightmare already gone. "I-I can't remember. Thanks for waking me up." You shiver. Looking into his eyes the flames gave off a calming effect.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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