Cauda 07 - Bear Witness

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"Soon as I'm done here, you're on! I still run that arcade."

Kapi had played a lot of video games in his life. Shoot-em-ups, sports, puzzles, whodunit and more. He never really touched RPGs in general, much less dungeon crawlers. Yet this is what his fate was, wandering with a 4-men group in a dark tunnel...Or 5-men. Blackjack lagged behind, the demonic gambler still recovering from his earlier wounds.

Moments ago, they had left the lab, the group taking a break.

"Who exactly are all of you?" Blackjack asked as he walked behind. "Aside from friends of Kapi." He walked with a limp, using the ripped table leg as support.

Surprisingly, the tunnel remained unguarded. Somehow none of the other demons bothered to check on the violence. Unspoken, Updike determined it a result of demons already used to Blackjack screams. Probably just someone torturing the beast. They must think.

"My name is Theodore. I am a roller coaster designer. And that is Huggy, monster supreme and strange being." Huggy nodded in agreement, knowing at the very least he was being introduced.

"I see."

Blackjack looked to Updike.

"I remember you. Got jumped at my arcade. I had nothing to do with that by the way."

"I am aware. Gabriel Updike. The Greater Good Triumvirate Leader."

"TGG, eh? Figured you were some agency. Had your agents crawlin' all over the place. A lot snooping into me too. Didn't much appreciate it." Blackjack gave a weak smile.

"Hmph. Your kind is at odds with my people. I hope you are aware this alliance is only temporary."

"Heh. Much as I'd like to debate you, I'm gonna have to pass. Don't get the energy." Blackjack nodded, understanding just who Updike was.

Reaching the 'hole in the wall' they made it to the actual basement. The two guards the crew ambushed hadn't been replaced. Next to the hole leading into the basement were two shelving units on either side. Both were full of glass jars, preserves, jam in each. While most on the team didn't care, Blackjack noticed immediately. Finally. Some proper food.

Kapi took a seat on one of the stools, pulling out his phone and finally taking 15.

Supporting himself on the shelf Blackjack grabbed the first jar he saw. Strawberry jam. Not even ripping the lid off he pulled his mask ajar and downed the whole thing, biting the top off.

Glass shards and red jam dripped onto his clothes, themselves already stained in dirt. He did so with a few other jars containing pickles, dry soup ingredients and powdered milk.

Huggy too, joined in, fascinated by Blackjack's ability to pick up and just start consuming. He felt peckish too. He knew he couldn't eat glass, so he tried ripping the jar lid off, to no avail. He turned to Updike, pleading eyes to help him.

Updike moved to stop him, shaking his own head, but Kapi stopped Updike. After all, he essentially owed Huggy his life. Furrowing his brow, he motioned for Kapi to open the jars.

"Status update, Team Zig. Are you all alright? Can I get a status update?" Displo rang in.

"We are in adequate condition. Reporting now. TGG, listen in." Updike began as he explained to Solazar the past few moments.

Huggy had entered a new world of discovery. He had seen jars at your house and Pomona's farm but never got into them. He could always smash them but after leaving the factory and not having to eat scraps, vowed to never eat glass again. With Kapi opening them he was finally able to sample the vibrant colours with each jar. He knew he had a lot to try after this. He downed the jars he found most interesting, some having a sharp taste while others reminding him of scraps he ate back at the factory, but more in date.

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