Cauda 17 - Fool's Gold

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"It feels good to be alive."

With Rosie and her crew pulling into the lot it was now time for everyone to split into vehicles. While the plan originally called for two cars, the addition of several new players changed that. So, after a brief discussion, the remnants of your team, Nikku's team and the prisoners split up.

While Rosie was expected to bring vans she decided against it, bringing convertibles, several cars with no roofs. It butchered any chance of staying hidden though she didn't really seem to care. After all, Pompom's spell and S' hacks would negate any chance of being identified.

The first car, pulling out in front was driven by Rosie with you as the passenger. Updike, Huggy and Tabi sat in the back, Huggy extremely excited about being able to ride with no roof.

The second car, pulling into the middle was driven by Radi with Agoti as the passenger. Nikusa, Pompom and Aldryx sat in the back, Pompom in the middle of them, Nikusa watching over her.

The final car, pulling out last consisted of S driving with Nikku as the passenger. RetroSpector and Sarvente sat in the back, both eager to get as far from the compound as possible.

The Belladonnas who'd come to support Rosie left in their own vehicles, taking the fae with them. With the Family effectively out of commission they decided to stage an attack on their Forest and reclaim it in the chaos. You weren't sure about how much opposition they would face but best case draw police ire and provide distraction.

As you watched them drive off it hit you. Why couldn't we have just used another magic user to teleport everyone away? Maybe not Pompom but recruit an additional person. You shrug the shame away focusing more on the mission at hand.

With the cars divvied up so was the loot. Several bags of gold bars and trinkets from the vault were stashed across the three cars. In each trunk, Rosie had brought a few blankets which easily hid the loot. Placing it in the trunk felt surreal. You still could hardly believe you and the others pulled it off. S' shouts halt your train of thought, the eldritch robot declaring excitedly, "Woohoo! Let's get this party started!"

As he said that the mailroom exploded, a fiery bomb ripping through the concrete building. Before you got in you took one last glance at the compound, feeling woozy. Despite the operation an apparent success it just didn't feel like you did it right.

And that Laughing Plan. Nobody had the faintest clue what it could mean.

"It'll be alright." Tabi said. "We won." He opened the passenger door and got in, buckling his seatbelt.

"I'm not sure."

"We'll quit skulking. Let's get the hell outta dodge!" Rosie shouted as she rev'd the engine.

You fasten your seatbelt. Sitting in one of the very cars you pulled over forever-ago, it felt like it had been a lifetime since Rosie was your enemy.

You check your comlink. Still down. It worked with nearby ones though not with the base camp. With Updike behind you, you asked, "Are you sure Psychic's not at the data centre?"

"No." He replied instantly. "There is something else there blocking the signal."

"Well surely we're gonna run into him right?"

"I have planned for that. Kapi. Is Hex still there?"

"Yes! It's all windy out here." A cheery voice replied. "Hey, get off me!" Kapi shouted in annoyance. "Well how am I 'sposed to talk to him?"

"Do you truly believe Psychic can be saved?"

"Of course! He's not that bad-"

"Do you have a way of contacting him?"

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