Cauda 13 - Dracula in the Throne Room

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"You're dead! Your families are dead! Everyone you ever knew, DEAD!"

"All satisfied are we?" Solazar asked through your comlink. Though Tabi couldn't hear him though knew Solazar was speaking to him.

"What is that hothead calling me now?" Tabi asked, giving you a side glance.

"Tell him if he wants I shall make a feast after this is over." Solazar said cheekily.

"I'll pass. Not getting in-between this." You say.

Tabi grinned slightly, turning on his comlink.

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Artist: Daizo Dee Von

Song: ____

With a belly full, Tabi lead, taking you back the path, not hiding any longer. He checked his weaponry as you and him went to the vault room. Bulletproof vest, flamethrower, revolver, assault rifle, hunting knife, incendiary grenades.

A tried-and-true soldier and pyromaniac. Everything in place.

You couldn't help but refresh your weaponry. Police-issued combat shotgun, two handguns, munitions, a flashbang and a police baton, aka an extendo.

Based on the map you were underground in some random corner of the manor, the same carpet and fancy walls covering everything. Not in the same part Team Zig traversed but adjacent. This section had no connection outside, nor twisted dungeon built in.

The way Tabi walked you expected him to start yelling for Daddy any second. He looked pissed; shoulders tensed. Silently, you were worried. Much as Daddy deserved death this wasn't an assassination mission. It was a robbery. You didn't want Tabi going overboard.

The Family didn't make an attempt to conceal the vault room. Found at the end of the hallway, door off to the left where it abruptly ended. Several steel tables lined the sides where entry logs regarding the vault were. Several art pieces sat atop the table alongside trophies from music awards. The hall doubled as a makeshift storage for other valuable things the Family owned.

Then finally, two huge oak doors, patterns of fire, crimson red curtains and tapestries of gold embossed upon the door. A glowing yellow gem was embedded at the top of both doors, ominously shining.

"Stay sharp you two." Solazar said.

There was no turning back now. After taking that gold you would step into being a full-on criminal. At least, you would have thought that had you not done all the practice before hand. You were already a 'villain', long before you even stepped into this manor.

Touching the door handle you hesitate, even realizing you forgot to breath. There really would be no turning back now, the pressure from opening that door immense.

Tabi put his hand on yours.

"To the lost." He muttered.

You let out a deep breath. "No delaying the inevitable." Heart racing, ready for anything. You wished you had some water.

"Go get 'em!" Tess shouted from the comlink, lightening the mood.

Pushing open the doors you were greeted with a bright open room. Massive across all four walls the ceiling stretched up several meters. Never mind a room to hold a vault, this was a throne room.

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