Cauda 12 - Ripples Across the Compound

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" Mhm. They've had it coming."

Just because Team Python was in play didn't mean everyone else could just sit around. You and Tabi were rapidly approaching the vault. Despite what you and Tabi could hear, the Carnival was wrought with problems.

The Seven Deadly Sins were off fighting Psychic somewhere, unclear if the mind reader even knew they were part of the crew.

Team Zig was in deep discussion if, since Psychic was gone they should they go back and resume the original plan. Updike was in favour of it, wanting another go. Huggy too apparently, judging from his excited sounds. Theo, Kapi and Blackjack were tuckered out, wanting nothing to do with the compound. Theo in particular wasn't taking his drones being smashed that well either.

Solazar remained at attention, watching the monitors, deeply focused on the cameras and maps. He even had a POV shot of your helmet, watching you and Tabi proceed down. Displo was outside on a call with IRIS. With word getting out regarding Hex there were now talks of apprehending him. Displo took the call outside, not wanting to complicate matters further.

Team Cobol was just waiting around, getting antsy. The Donnas had left the data centre and were in the garages doing final checks on their cars. Radi, annoyed he missed a fight stayed up top with Botan, awaiting Daddy's attack. Rosie stayed in the data centre, watching over Annie, Whitty and Carol. With the Fae working overtime she stood by, helping where she could.

With everyone else busy it left Tess to monitor Team Lisp.

S was out retrieving Kapi's phone, getting annoyed at how wet he was getting looking for it. Tess was trying vainly to help him, relaying between him and Kapi as they searched. Kapi left it on silent, making tracking it harder. At least it was quiet, S found Psychic had dealt with all the hell hounds, the dogs rounded up and put back in the kennel, a pile of cobblestones where the hole was blown.

Nikusa was out as well, perched atop the hangar, waiting for demons to leave the manor so she could jump them and retrieve Retro.

Surprisingly nobody had come barging in to the mailroom, though Tess expected it. Psychic was off fighting a war, Mommy seriously injured, Daddy entertaining guests and nobody else in the compound strong enough to beat Team Lisp, Tess just assumed the MO was to leave the mailroom alone.

Either way, with Nikku pretending to be either Mommy or a demon they had the patrols obeying their commands. Aside from offsite calls coming it was all quiet. Tess guided Nikku what to say during those. She was thankful, her head was still aching. she had nearly fainted earlier as memories started to re-appear. It gave her time to relax.

Atop the hangar Nikusa watched as some demons wheeled out retro on a stretcher from the manor. Heading towards the hangar, it took little effort for her to ambush and take them out. The slain demons were sloppily thrown into a bush nearby along with the stretcher that Retro was previously on.

Nikusa held him over her shoulder. She wasn't sure what she expected but didn't expect him to look like that.

Neon blue fur, black and green horns, additional horns emitting from under his snout and sides of head, a large mane of silver hair, long tail with 3 spikes on the end and tail a myriad of neon blue, black and white. He wore a navy blue hoodie with dark blue trim, white undershirt and jeans, not needing any footwear. All designer brands, though Nikusa didn't care.

To describe his state one could just write damaged. Rips in the hoodie, dirt and dried blood stains all over, chips in the horns, matted hair in the mane.

To Nikusa he looked far more like a dragon anthro than a demon, though she knew very well looks could be deceiving.

She waited for the demon patrols to move. Much as she'd like to take everyone out, Sol demanded she not. So she sat, perched like a gargoyle, waiting annoyed, atop the hangar. She let the others know they had Retro. As Ace stirred, he found himself relieved, apologizing for his outbursts. For the first time since they met him sounded kind of happy.

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