Cauda 20 - Torndown

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"You will all face judgement."

Now Playing...

Artist: Steven Halpern

Song: Cosmic Blues (Part I)

You took a few minutes just to catch your breath while the others began the next stage of the plan. Tricky writhed, the chains already creaking under his strength. You could feel the energy emanating from him. He was trying to break out and the longer everyone waited to seal him the sooner he would escape.

S, Selever and Nikusa agreed to 'sacrifice' themselves to seal Tricky. That's how you understood it. While not permanent it would have solved the problem long enough that it wouldn't matter. You heard Updike mention something about a recording, that he apparently recorded some message to the other world's inhabitants with proper instructions on how to beat Tricky. You got the feeling Updike didn't agree with the plan but couldn't argue against it. Other than dying there wasn't a way out of the void. He had no way of warning TGG or even getting the right weaponry right now.

He just hoped that the other world would be able to win.

Despite their apparent 'sacrifice' it was believed they could get out. Selever had to be 'born' (you still not fully understanding that either), S made a deal with...someone that he would be freed and Nikusa you weren't sure. You wondered if S could've just taken Nikusa or something. Regardless of everyone's chances of survival it still felt like goodbye.

It finally was time to end this.

"Is this really it?" Pompom asked S. She, Botan, Nikku, Kapi and Theo were all together, the four of them seeing the eldritch monster off.

"For me, yeah. But ehn, who knows. After I fix Mobius maybe I'll come back to visit. You stay in school now." S said as he shook Pompom's hand.

"Hey, S? Is this gonna be a problem?" Botan asked, pointing to her eyes. They were blackened, eldritch energy flowing through her.

"Yeah, it'll wear off. Just infected you to counteract that troll thing. Enjoy the powers while you have them."

Botan nodded.

Theo gave a bow. "S, it was a downright pleasure working with you. I may not fully understand what or who you are, but building your mechanical suit was the most fun I've had in decades. Should you ever need more tech; you know where to find me."

S nodded. "Y'know what yeah. I could always use a new Eggman. I'll be in touch old man."

"You really sure you're gonna be okay?" Nikku asked, concerned. S nodded. "I'll be fine. Can't wait to see what I can do when I'M in charge."

Nikku nodded. "I'll wait for you." She knelt down and hugged S. He was a little surprised at first, but hugged back, the blood from his eyes staining Nikku. "Y-you too." S stammered.

"S! Thank you. For everything-"

"Pft. Cut the crap...Sally. I'll be back out before you know it. AND when I do get back out, first thing we're doin' is goin' straight to Mobius. You got that?"

Nikku nodded. "We'll show' em true hell!" She said cheerily.

"That's my girl!" S shouted. "See ya soon!"

S looked to you. "And you."

"It's, uh, been fun." You say. Now facing S head-on you found yourself kind of intimidated. Even in the VR world it felt as if he was fake. With him standing in front of you, it finally felt real.

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