Cauda 21 - Loose Ends

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"Are others at least okay?"

Meanwhile on another world..

TGG headquarters, the Trio's Room. The Roadshow had been called to an emergency meeting. Operation Takedown, the final operation against the Tankmen was placed on immediate hold.

Too early in the morning for most people you weren't surprised only a handful actually showed up. Course nobody wanted to come either but the leader of TGG was frantic that a meeting be called. Whatever it was, he sounded worried. You looked around at who actually showed up.

Nikusa, the solarisapien record exec and mother of the Andromedas was present, as was her nemesis, Solazar, the void king. Garcello was present too, chewing on tobacco. He knew better than to smoke at TGG. It pissed Whitmore of to no end. Hat down you could hardly tell if he was actually awake. Hex, the second member of the team and IRIS' representative was there, appearing worried as well. Pompom, the graffiti artist along with her 'pet', Kissy Missy had shown up too. Tabi was absent, the ramwoman drunk off the wine and bottles of scotch you had with her. You felt a little groggy.

Aside from the leader of TGG, one of the trio showed up as well. Though they were part of the team like anyone else you still weren't 100% trusting of them yet. At least they had helped the team immensely.

"Sorry to keep you all waiting. I know not everyone is here but we will reconvene at Tess's tomorrow lunchtime." The TGG leader said.

You turned as he walked in. Buff as always and hands behind his back he walked with absolute authority. He had a bomb for a head which perhaps explained his impressive patience. You didn't want to see it go off. He was called Whitmore, one of the trio of The Greater Good. Next to him, also dressed in a white suit was Carol, his significant other and member of the trio. As soon as they two other stragglers emerged.

"Yeah, yeah. What's so worrying?" MX said, popping up in his hologram. The eldritch plumber didn't look too happy, probably interrupted while watching Mushroom Kingdom news.

"Sorry I'm late." A raucous voice said, no apologetic tone in his voice at all. You knew who it was, a rambunctious 'destroyer' (as Whitmore had called him), Updike, the thunderous weatherboy. He didn't acknowledge Whitmore so much as sideways glance.

"Yes, yes. We'll skip introductions." Whitmore said. "I'm sure you're all aware of the recent explosion over the Newgrounds Bay."

You were aware, hearing it both on the news and it real life. Something crash-landed in the bay, causing almost a tsunami to rock the city. You could have sworn you felt an earthquake too. It happened in the wee hours, sometime after 2:00AM, only a few hours ago.

"I'll keep it brief. The explosion was caused by a universal anomaly. Something has entered our world." Whitmore said gravely.

"Two beings officially, though last we checked one was trying to overtake one of the others." Carol said. "They were falling towards the Dearest Family's estate when they flew off course, landing in the lake. We've been in contact with the Family. They are rattled buy okay."

"So what?" MX asked. "Meteors fall all the time who cares?"

"Meteorite." Pompom clarified. MX shrugged in annoyance.

"Whatever. They're probably just some aliens. I ask again, who cares?"

"These two beings aren't alien. They're origin is from this city. Just not the city you are all familiar with."

"Aside from the beings, something else actually crashed into the compound. This." Whitmore held up a smartphone.

MX shrugged.

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