What Lies Ahead part 3 ch 12

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What Lies Ahead Part 3 ch 12
At The Police station- Faith's cell- Faith was in her cell when Anna came by."Faith, We need your help in knowing anything that Jerry was up to" Why should I help you" Because maybe you have a heart in there, Jerry poisoned children, One just died we need to prevent any more deaths" What do I get in return? What do you want "A light sentence "I'll see what I can do, now start talking "Jerry wanted revenge on every citizen in town even the children, He didn't care who got hurt, "Faith said

At General, Donna's room was sleeping when Carly came in and touched her forehead as Elizabeth came in."Elizabeth, She hot "Carly said "Let me look at her," Elizabeth said "I'll get Robin," Carly said as Lucas came in."Lucas, Donna is getting worse " Let us examine her," Lucas said Carly left the room and saw Tommy in the hallway."Tommy, I'm Carly and my little girl has been poisoned too! Do you have the antidote for this" Carly asked

Wiley and Amelia room- Willow was looking at her children when Portia came in," How are Wiley and Amelia "Portia asked " Not good" Willow said Portia looked at them.

Donna's room- Donna was getting worse when Elizabeth and Lucas tried to save her as Tommy came in."I have the antidote "Tommy said as Carly and Josslyn came in," It's too late" Elizabeth said "What do you mean by that? Tommy is going to give Donna the antidote "Carly, Donna doesn't have a good immune system because of the spinal bifida, and this poison was eaten at her immune system it's too late, Donna is suffering from brain damage the poison went into her brain "Lucas said "Save her! You are her uncle you save my daughter! I can't lose three children "Carly yelled "I wish I could save her but she gone in away you don't want her to live with brain damage "I'm not killing my daughter! Put her on a ventilator, it helped Michael and it will help Donna" Carly said "Mom "Josslyn said "I'm not giving up on your sister "Carly said "Alright we will put her on ventilation "Lucas said he knows it wouldn't work but didn't want to fight his sister.

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