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Hoseok's pov

Gosh, I drank too much my head is aching so bad, I don't know why I have to sober up at such a moment, I should have just slept the whole night through.

I looked to my side. Kook was sitting there staring at nothing in particular, I don't know if he's sober or not because he looks like he is not with me.

We were in the living room, and the others had already retired to their rooms, I don't really remember how we got back, all i know is that I woke up on the couch sober with an annoying headache.

I looked at the clock hanging in the middle of the room to see that it was already half past one in the morning. My throat felt dry, but honestly, I'm too tired to get up and get water.

I was debating on whether I should get up to get water or just pray I fell asleep when I heard footsteps coming down. I wondered who could be up at such a time because I knew they were all dead drunk.

It was very faint as if the person wanted to sneak out, I focused my vision on the stairs as it was coming downstairs, and the only place that was illuminated was the living room.

The sound became clearer, and down came Tae, fully dressed with a coat in his hand. Our eyes locked, and he widened his eyes in surprise, not expecting anyone to be awake at this time.

Normally, I would have ignored him, but I was curious and a bit worried about where he was going at such a time.

"Where are you going this late in the night," I asked him. "T..to meet Namjoon," he stuttered a bit, still shocked that I was awake and sober.

I felt angry at his answer. Why did I even bother to ask? Of course, he was going to meet his lover. I could see Kook looking at us from my peripheral. He also seemed to have sobered up.

"Why would you go and meet him outside at one in the morning when you practically live in the same house," I ask my anger clearly in my tone.

He flinched a bit, not expecting me to be this angry. "He asked me to meet him at a hotel," he replied, his voice low, and I felt a bit guilty for shouting.

That didn't last long though when I registered what he said in my head, 'meet him at a hotel' in the middle of the fucking night.

I let out a small laugh, "A hotel... a perfect place to meet with a slut, was that why we got the drink invite, so we'll get wasted while you guys fucked..." I didn't like the look in his eyes, he looks hurt, but so was I, so I ignored my logical self and spoke my mind.

"...you're already used to opening your legs behind people's back, no wonder you're not confident enough to do it after being exposed. Such a pity, a relationship filled with lies and betrayal, was what you wanted for yourself."

I could see his eyes became glossy like he wanted to cry, but I guess I forgot how good of an action he was.

"What can I say, he fucks me better than the two of you combined, has a good stamina and a body to die for, he says he'll spice up today's sex, a threesome maybe which i cant wait to try, you are just wasting my time, I bet if you had a taste of him you wouldn't be better than me." He says with a smirk before leaving.

I felt enraged, disgusted even, I wanted nothing but to let my anger out somehow, I hated how he still affects us, but we don't. I can't believe how fast he moved on, or maybe he never really cared one bit.

I still wish I could wake up one day to find out all this was a dream, or at least a prank, but reality keeps on slaping me on the face anytime I feel like I have hope.

I felt myself being enveloped in a hug, and I hugged back immediately, knowing who it was. He was listening the whole time but decided to keep shut.

I knew he was trying comfort me, but his hands were shaking, I know he's not angry, so I decide to just hug back and say nothing, because a single word said and we'll be crying.

That was how it was since the day we found out he cheated. It was always like that, a single thought about him makes us tear up.

It has been three months or more, but still, anytime we tried to have sex, it feels like we are cheating on him. Anything we do just feels so wrong without him.

I want us to be happy, but I don't think we can ever be complete without him. Seeing him act like we mean nothing to him breaks my heart.

The worst part being that after all he had done to us, we will still accept him with open arms if he comes back.

How pathetic of us chasing something that's already gone. If he wanted a threesome, wasn't that what we've been doing this entire time.

What was it that we were lacking that made him do this to us. The least he could've done was come clean, be honest with us, maybe... just maybe, it wouldn't have hurt this much.

I hated how my mind was never calm, I hate the constant self blame. I've searched my brain time and time again, but I can't seem to figure out what our fault was.

What was it that we've done wrong? He seemed happy whenever we were together, was it all just an act.

If not, then when was it that he grew out of love, was it during that fifteen months. Did we do something to offend him during that time.

I can't just wrap my head around a reason why such a thing happened. At least I wanna know why.




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