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Jimin's pov

I was fidgeting with my hands on my lap, wanting to ask what happened after I passed out the other day, but I didn't want to disturb their conversation.

I really wanted to know what happened. My phone was not with me, but I'm afraid to check the social media.

What will people think, I can't be delusional and still think that maybe the live ended before they could see or hear a thing. I'm sure that's what is trending on every platform.

Will people think that I am at fault or will they blame Namjoon hyung, I know the others are not involved. The way things turned out yesterday, it seemed like I had a beef with only Namjoon hyung, and I know that's how it will be handled.

I don't know how the company plans on handling it. All I know is that this is the first they are hearing of it, I wonder how they will react to it. I never told anyone about what had been going on. It has always been within the group.

"Jiminie..." hyung called out to me, I raised my head to see that they were done talking and were both looking at me. Apparently, during the time I was in my little head space, Hobi hyung and Kook also joined us.

They were all looking at me worried, I must've spaced out and ignored my environment. "Hmmm..." I said, smiling at hyung. He smiled back before it dropped, and he looked serious, and everyone else had the same expression as him, which worried me a bit.

"Pd-nim wants to see us. We have to address this issue. It has already escalated too far. He wants to see you and hear what really happened from you and no one else." Soekjin hyung said.

I didn't know how to reply to that, what was I supposed to say, am I supposed to be happy, because the way things are, I don't think anything has changed at all. I'm still afraid that they might hurt me again. Though I'm starting to open to them again, I still have melt downs here and there.

"We told him everything that has happened this past two years. He wants you to tell him how you want us to pay for it. He says you have every right to do what you want, and if you want any legal actions, he's going to support you all through." Kook says.

"We are okay with whatever you choose if you want us to pay legally for what we did to you. We are ready for whatever your decision is. We won't question you." Hobi hyung added.

I didn't know how to reply to them. What they did to me was uncalled for, but do I really want them to serve a possible prison term for such.

I'm not heartless they have already apologised for all they did, and they are not just saying it for the sake of it. They really meant it, I'm not so heartless to ignore their pleas and be a bastard to them.

"I'm not taking any legal actions against you guys. You already regret all you've done to me, so I don't see why I should be a bitch just cause I have the liberty to report against you." I said smiling.

"You had the liberty Jimin, all along you could have done something if you wanted to, but you chose not to. You had every right to report us, and we would've gotten what we deserved, but you chose not to, and you're still doing the same. You don't have to feel pressured..." seokjin hyung started, but I cut him off.

"I'm not feeling pressured, hyung. I really just don't feel like you guys deserve any penalties for what you've done. As long as you regret it and promise not to do it again," I said, looking down.

"We would never, no matter what the consequences will be, I'd lay my life down than raise a finger at you again," Kook said, and I could feel the sincerity in his voice.

Throughout all this exchange, hyung did not say anything at all. He just chose to keep quiet.  I was half laying on him while we both sat on the bed, I looked up to see if he was okay, only to meet his eyes already on me.

He smiled at me and leaned down, giving me Eskimo kisses making me giggle. "Sometimes you need to be considerate about your environment. Not everyone wants to have diabetes," Jin hyung says bitterly.

"Just because you're single and don't know the sweetness in relationships doesn't mean everyone is like you," Jungkook said, rolling his eyes and giving Hoseok a peck on the lips.

"You're 97 and still single wh..." he started again but got cut off just to catch the flying fork coming his way. We all turned to the culprit who was just arranging the used dishes innocently. We all laughed at the grumbling youngest.

We just sat there talking about nothing and everything in particular. Call me stupid, but I couldn't help but hope that Tae was here with me.

Did he really choose Namjoon hyung over me? He does he not believe in what had happened. I felt hurt at the mere fact that my own soulmate out of everyone is the one who does not trust me at all.

It weighed down on me heavily that I wanted to cry, but I didn't want hyung to worry. He's been extra observant about me that even I don't notice some of the changes he notices in me.

It's like he knows me better than I know myself, which is true and cute. It makes me feel safe. He and Tae are the closest I have to a family, and I'll never trade that for anything.

I'd do whatever it takes if it's to keep them safe, which is why I still trust Tae. I don't know, but something just keeps on telling me that there is a reason behind whatever it is he is doing.

Enjoy 😘


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