First impressions - Austin Butler

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The cast of Dune 2 gathered nervously in the studio, anticipation and excitement hanging thick in the air as they awaited the arrival of their newest member, Austin Butler.    Zendaya, Timothée Chalamet, and Florence Pugh exchanged nervous glances, their anticipation tinged with a hint of apprehension. They had heard rumors about Austin's reputation, and they couldn't help but wonder what kind of person he would be.

As the door swung open, Austin strode in, his demeanor exuding an air of confidence that bordered on arrogance. He was on a call, his attention focused solely on the conversation at hand as he waved off the curious glances of his new castmates. Zendaya exchanged a knowing look with Timothée and Florence, a frown marring her features as she watched Austin's dismissive behavior.

Finally, Austin ended his call and made a beeline for the nearest bottle of alcohol, his movements calculated and precise. The younger members of the cast exchanged uneasy glances, unsure of how to approach him as he ignored their attempts at conversation. They couldn't help but feel put off by his aloof demeanor, his actions reinforcing the rumors they had heard about him.

But when Austin finally turned his attention to them, his introduction was brief and devoid of warmth. He answered their questions with clipped responses, his eyes flickering impatiently towards his ringing phone.

As the conversation continued, Austin's phone rang once again, interrupting their exchange. Despite the obvious annoyance of his castmates, he answered it without hesitation, his attention diverted once again as he engaged in yet another conversation.

One of the older members of the cast spoke up, chastising Austin for his unprofessional behavior. But he ignored their words, his focus solely on the call as he hurriedly made his exit, leaving the rest of the cast feeling confused and resentful.

The next day, Austin arrived late, his appearance disheveled and his eyes haunted by exhaustion. The cast exchanged knowing glances, their suspicions confirmed by his behavior.

But when his phone rang in the middle of a scene, Austin's carefully constructed facade crumbled, revealing the turmoil that lay beneath. The director berated him for his unprofessionalism, but Austin couldn't care less as he engaged in a heated argument with his sister on the other end of the line.

"And just when do you suggest we have the funeral, Aus?" his sister's voice crackled with frustration over the phone.

"I don't know, maybe we should wait a few days," Austin retorted, his tone tinged with anger. "Dad only just passed away yesterday. We don't have to rush into anything."

"But it's tradition to bury the dead as soon as possible," his sister argued, her voice rising in frustration. "We can't just leave him lying in the morgue like some forgotten relic."

"I don't care about tradition!" Austin shouted, his voice echoing through the desert set. "I want to make sure we give Dad the send-off he deserves, not rush through it like it's some kind of inconvenience."

As the argument escalated, the director's patience wore thin, his frustration boiling over as he yelled at Austin to hang up the phone. But Austin couldn't bring himself to end the call, his emotions raw and unfiltered as he clashed with his sister over the details of their father's funeral.

And then, in a moment of unbridled anger and frustration, Austin revealed the truth that lay hidden beneath the surface. His father had passed away just the day before, his death plunging Austin into a whirlwind of grief and confusion. With a click Austin hung up his phone.

Unable to contain his emotions any longer, Austin stormed off set, his fists clenched in fury. In a fit of rage, he lashed out, his hand connecting with the unforgiving surface of a nearby wall with a sickening thud. Pain shot through his hand, but he barely registered it as he sank to the ground, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he struggled to contain the torrent of emotions threatening to overwhelm him. As the cast rushed to his side, their concern palpable, Austin felt himself spiraling into darkness. Panic gripped him, his heart racing as he struggled to catch his breath. But amidst the chaos, Timothée, Zendaya, and Florence remained by his side, their voices a soothing balm in the midst of the storm.They called for the on-set doctor, who quickly assessed Austin's injuries and administered pain medication to ease his discomfort. And as the medication took effect, Austin felt the tension slowly begin to drain from his body, replaced by a sense of exhaustion unlike anything he had ever felt before.

But even as he lay there, surrounded by his castmates, Austin couldn't shake the overwhelming sense of grief that threatened to consume him. His father's death hung heavy in the air, a constant reminder of the fragility of life and the pain of loss

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