Under her care - E.P

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Just a fluffy fic about Pricilla taking care of Elvis when he gets a cold <3

Elvis rubbed his temples, his head pounding as he struggled through another day of rehearsals. The bad cold he had caught was only getting worse, but he stubbornly refused to rest. Priscilla watched him with concern, her heart aching as his coughs became more frequent and harsher.

"Elvis, you need to rest," Priscilla urged gently, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You're not doing yourself any favors by pushing so hard."

"I can't, Cilla. There's too much to do," he replied hoarsely, his voice rough from coughing.

"You can't keep this up," she insisted. "You're going to collapse if you don't take care of yourself."

Despite her warnings, Elvis continued to push through, his determination to keep going overriding his common sense. It wasn't until he nearly collapsed out of exhaustion that Priscilla decided enough was enough.

"That's it, you're resting," Priscilla declared, her tone leaving no room for argument. She guided him to the bedroom, helping him lie down. "I'll take care of everything."

Elvis mumbled a protest, but he was too weak to argue. He felt a wave of relief wash over him as he settled into bed, his body finally giving in to the exhaustion.

Priscilla went to the kitchen and prepared her special soup, determined to nurse him back to health. She brought the steaming bowl to his bedside, sitting down next to him.

"Here, eat this," she said, holding out a spoonful of soup.

Elvis wrinkled his nose but obediently took the spoonful, the warmth soothing his sore throat. "Thanks, Cilla," he murmured, feeling a strange sense of comfort and love in her care.

Over the next few days, Priscilla made it her mission to ensure Elvis got the rest he needed. She hovered around him, making sure he stayed in bed and ate properly. Despite his initial reluctance, Elvis found himself feeling more relaxed than he had in months. He wouldn't admit it, but he secretly enjoyed the attention and care Priscilla lavished on him.

One evening, Priscilla joined him in bed, cuddling close to him. She combed her fingers through his hair, soothing his aching muscles with gentle massages. Elvis sighed contentedly, his eyes growing heavy as he drifted off to sleep, feeling loved and cared for.

In the middle of the night, Elvis woke up, struggling to breathe through his congestion. He shifted uncomfortably, trying to find a position that would ease his discomfort. Priscilla, sensing his distress, woke up and immediately turned to him.

"Shh, it's okay," she whispered, holding him close. She gave him little kisses on his forehead, her fingers gently stroking his hair. "I'm here, Elvis. Just relax."

Elvis leaned into her touch, his body gradually relaxing as her soothing presence enveloped him. He felt her warmth and love surrounding him, easing his discomfort and calming his mind. Slowly, he drifted back to sleep, held securely in Priscilla's arms.

The next morning, Elvis woke up feeling better than he had in days. Priscilla was still beside him, her presence a comforting reminder of her care. He looked at her, a soft smile tugging at his lips.

"Thank you, Cilla," he whispered, his voice still a bit raspy but filled with gratitude.

Priscilla smiled back, leaning in to give him a gentle kiss. "Anything for you, Elvis. Now, rest some more. You've still got some recovering to do."

Elvis nodded, feeling a deep sense of love and appreciation for the woman who had nursed him back to health. As he closed his eyes, he knew he was in the best hands possible, surrounded by the love and care he had needed for so long.

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