A name to heavy - A.B

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Austin Butler moved through the set of his latest film, focusing on his lines and the upcoming scene. He always prided himself on maintaining professionalism, but today, a simple nickname threatened to unravel him.

"Hey, Aus, can you come over here for a sec?" one of the crew members called out casually.

The nickname hit Austin like a punch to the gut. His mother had called him "Aus" ever since he was a child, and after she passed away when he was 23, hearing it brought back a flood of painful memories. He stiffened, his face going pale as he struggled to keep his composure.

"Don't call me that!" Austin snapped, his voice louder than he intended.

The set fell silent, everyone turning to look at him in surprise. The crew member looked taken aback, not understanding the significance of what they'd said.

"Austin, what's going on?" his manager, Rick, stepped in quickly, recognizing the distress on Austin's face.

"I can't do this right now," Austin muttered, trying to fight back the tears that threatened to spill over.

Rick gently guided him off set, away from the prying eyes of the crew and cast. He led Austin to a quiet corner, his hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay, Austin. Just breathe," Rick said softly, his voice calm and reassuring.

Austin's hands were shaking, and he took a few deep breaths, trying to steady himself. "I just... I can't hear that name. It's too much."

Rick nodded, understanding the weight of what Austin was going through. He pulled Austin into a comforting hug, holding him tightly.

"You don't have to explain right now. Just take a few minutes to yourself," Rick said, pulling back and looking him in the eyes. "Go to your trailer and cool off. I'll handle things here."

Austin nodded, grateful for Rick's understanding. He made his way to his trailer, closing the door behind him and leaning against it, finally allowing the tears to flow. He sat down, taking deep breaths as he tried to process the emotions that had surged to the surface.

Back on set, Rick gathered everyone around. He knew he needed to address the situation to prevent further misunderstandings.

"Listen up, everyone. I need to explain why Austin reacted the way he did," Rick began, his tone serious. "Austin's mother passed away when he was 23, and she used to call him 'Aus.' Hearing that nickname brings up very painful memories for him. He's never really gotten over her death, and it's something that affects him deeply."

The crew murmured amongst themselves, some understanding dawning on their faces while others remained indifferent.

"Let's be mindful and respectful of this," Rick continued. "It's a sensitive subject for him, and we need to support him."

One of the crew members scoffed lightly. "It's just a nickname. He needs to toughen up."

Before Rick could respond, the director stepped in, his voice authoritative. "Enough. We will respect Austin's boundaries. This is not up for debate. If anyone has a problem with that, you can leave the set now."

The crew member who had spoken up looked chastised and remained silent. The director's words settled the matter, and the crew nodded in agreement.

After a few minutes, Austin returned to set, his eyes red but his resolve stronger. Rick met him at the edge of the set, giving him a reassuring pat on the back.

"We're all good here, Austin. Everyone understands now," Rick said.

Austin nodded, feeling a sense of relief. He looked around at the faces of his colleagues, many of them offering sympathetic smiles. It was a small comfort, but it meant the world to him.

"Thanks, Rick," Austin said quietly. "I appreciate it."

"Anytime, Austin. We're here for you," Rick replied.

With a deep breath, Austin prepared to continue the day's work, feeling a little lighter knowing he didn't have to carry the weight of his past alone.

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