Stalker - A.B

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Austin Butler had always known the risks that came with fame, but the string of death threats he had been receiving since starting work on "The Bikeriders" was a new level of danger. His manager, Rick, and he had decided to keep it under wraps to avoid unnecessary panic. They hoped it was just a disturbed fan who would eventually get bored and move on.

But the threats escalated. Weird gifts began appearing on set, each more unsettling than the last. One day it was a bouquet of black roses, the next day a box of decayed teeth. Austin tried to shake it off, focusing on his work, but the anxiety gnawed at him.

Then, one afternoon, Austin was away from set, running lines in his trailer. One of his castmates, Jodie Comer, found a letter on set addressed to Austin. Curious, she picked it up and started reading. Her face paled as she scanned the contents.

"Guys, you need to see this," she called out, her voice trembling.

Tom Hardy and Mike Faist gathered around as Jodie read the letter aloud:


I've been watching you for months now. Every move you make, every breath you take, I've seen it all. You think you're so safe, surrounded by your adoring fans and clueless co-stars. But I know the real you. I know about your late-night walks, the way you always take your coffee black, and how you flinch at loud noises. Remember that night at the bar in New Orleans? I was there, watching as you stumbled out, drunk and vulnerable.

You can't hide from me. I've been in your trailer, gone through your things. That old photo of you and your mother? I've got a copy of it. I know your secrets, Austin. I know about the things you did to get where you are. The lies, the betrayals.

I'm coming for you, Austin. And when I do, there will be nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Your time is running out.

See you soon.

-Your biggest fan"

The room fell silent. The details in the letter were disturbingly accurate, things only someone who had been stalking Austin closely could know. Tom clenched his fists, his jaw tightening. "Where the hell is Austin?" he demanded.

Jodie pointed towards Austin's trailer. "He should be getting ready now."

Just then, Austin and Rick arrived on set. Everyone's demeanor shifted immediately, their unease palpable. Austin noticed the tension but brushed it off, heading towards his trailer to prepare for the next scene.

Rick, sensing something was off, approached the cast. "What's going on here?"

Tom handed him the letter. "Read this."

As Rick's eyes scanned the letter, his expression darkened. "We need to keep this quiet. Austin doesn't need this right now."

Suddenly, they heard shouting and swearing coming from the direction of Austin's trailer. Rick's heart sank. "Stay here," he ordered before rushing towards the commotion.

When they arrived, they saw Austin locked in a vicious fight with a man who had managed to infiltrate the set. The stalker was wild-eyed, desperate, and dangerous. Austin, though caught off guard, fought back fiercely. The stalker punched Austin in the face, and blood trickled from a cut on his cheek.

"Get security!" Rick yelled, but the fight was too intense for anyone to intervene without risking injury themselves.

Austin managed to land a solid punch on the stalker's jaw, but the man retaliated, shoving Austin hard. Austin stumbled backward, tripping over some props, and fell to the ground. The stalker lunged, but this moment of imbalance gave the crew the chance they needed. Several members of the crew tackled the man, wrestling him to the ground and restraining him.

Rick rushed to Austin's side, helping him up. Austin had a growing bruise on his face, and the cut was still bleeding. "Austin, are you okay?" Rick asked, worry etched into his features.

Austin nodded, though he was clearly in pain. "Yeah, I'll be fine," he said, wincing as he touched the cut.

They called the police, who arrived quickly to arrest the stalker. The man was unhinged, shouting about how Austin had ruined his life and how he deserved to pay. The police explained that the stalker had been obsessed with Austin for years, blaming him for personal failures and fixating on him as a source of all his problems. He had managed to get close to Austin by posing as a member of the crew and had been the one sending the death threats and creepy gifts.

As the stalker was taken away, Rick turned to the cast and crew. "Thank you for your help. We'll be tightening security from now on."

Austin, now seated with an ice pack on his bruise, looked around at his colleagues, who were watching him with a mix of concern and respect. He gave them a small, grateful smile. "Thanks, everyone. I appreciate it."

Tom stepped forward, clapping a hand on Austin's shoulder. "We're here for you, mate. Don't ever think you're alone in this."

Austin nodded, feeling a wave of relief and gratitude. The ordeal had been terrifying, but it also revealed the support and solidarity of his team. Together, they would face whatever challenges came their way, united and stronger for it.

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