Smoke and shadows- Austin Butler

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Yes, beofre any one starts reading this I am aware that Austin and Venessa broke up awhile ago Just to give him a girlfriend I inserted her. One again, this is all fictional!!!

Request needed and appreciated

The sprawling desert set of Dune 2 was a hive of activity, a testament to the hard work and dedication of everyone involved. Among the cast was Austin Butler, whose portrayal of Feyd-Rautha was expected to be a standout performance. Yet, beneath the surface of his professional demeanor, Austin struggled with a smoking addiction that was becoming increasingly problematic.

Every break between scenes saw Austin retreat to a secluded corner, lighting up a cigarette. The habit was starting to annoy his co-stars and crew, who often found themselves engulfed in second-hand smoke. Timothée Chalamet, Zendaya, and Rebecca Ferguson had all tried to gently suggest he cut back, but their words fell on deaf ears.

"He's always smoking," Zendaya complained one day, fanning the air in front of her. "It's like he doesn't care how it affects everyone else."

Timothée nodded, his concern evident. "I know. I tried talking to him, but he just shrugs it off."

The tension reached a boiling point one afternoon when Austin's long-time girlfriend, Vanessa Hudgens, visited the set. She found him, as usual, with a cigarette in hand, exhaling a plume of smoke into the hot desert air.

"Austin, we need to talk," she said, her voice tight with frustration.

Austin turned to her, his eyes narrowing. "What now?"

Vanessa's face was a mix of anger and concern. "I thought you were going to cut back on smoking. You promised me."

Austin's jaw clenched. "It's not that easy, Vanessa. You don't understand."

"Don't I?" Vanessa shot back. "You've been smoking like a chimney since we got here. It's affecting your health, and it's annoying everyone on set."

Austin's temper flared. "You think I don't know that? I started smoking when I was twelve. It's the only time I felt safe with my father."

Vanessa's expression softened slightly, but she pressed on. "Austin, I'm worried about you. This isn't just about the smoking. It's everything."

"Oh, really?" Austin sneered. "If you're so worried, why are you sneaking around with your co-star?"

Vanessa's face turned red with a mix of guilt and anger. "This isn't about me, Austin. You need help."

Austin's eyes blazed with fury. "Don't pretend to care about my health when you're cheating on me. You're a hypocrite."

Vanessa slapped him, her hand connecting with a sharp crack. "You're impossible, Austin. I can't do this anymore."

As she stormed away, Austin stood there, trembling with rage and pain. He lit another cigarette, taking a long drag, feeling the familiar burn in his lungs.

After the fight, Austin's behavior grew more erratic. He began drinking heavily, showing up to set disheveled and reeking of alcohol. His co-stars and the crew felt sorry for him, but their patience was wearing thin.

One morning, when Austin failed to show up for his scenes, the director, Denis Villeneuve, decided enough was enough. He called a meeting with Austin's manager, and they agreed it was time for an intervention.

The cast and crew were gathered in a large tent set up for breaks. Austin stumbled in, looking bleary-eyed and confused.

"What's going on?" he slurred, swaying slightly.

Denis stepped forward, his expression stern but compassionate. "Austin, we need to talk about your behavior. This isn't just about the smoking or the drinking. We're worried about you."

Austin blinked, trying to focus. "I'm fine. Just a rough night."

Timothée stood up, his voice gentle but firm. "Austin, we care about you. But we can't keep working like this. You're hurting yourself, and it's affecting everyone."

Zendaya nodded, tears in her eyes. "Please, Austin. Let us help you."

Austin's manager stepped forward, his voice heavy with emotion. "Austin, you need to understand how serious this is. Your health, your career, your relationships—they're all at risk. We've arranged for you to get help. Please, take it."

For a moment, Austin stood there, his defenses crumbling. He looked around at the concerned faces of his colleagues and friends, the weight of their words sinking in.

"I... I don't know if I can," he whispered, his voice breaking. "I've been smoking since I was twelve. It's all I've known. My father... he was emotionally abusive. The only time I ever felt close to him was when we smoked together. And now... with Vanessa..."

Rebecca stepped forward, her expression full of empathy. "Austin, we're here for you. We'll support you every step of the way. But you need to take the first step."

Austin's eyes filled with tears as he nodded slowly. "Okay. I'll do it. I'll get help."

The room filled with a sense of relief and hope. The journey ahead would be difficult, but Austin was no longer alone. With the support of his friends and colleagues, he began the process of healing, one step at a time.

As the days passed, Austin started attending therapy sessions and working with a counselor to address his addiction and underlying trauma. The cast and crew continued to support him, creating a network of care and understanding.

Gradually, Austin's performances improved, and his demeanor on set became more positive. Though the road to recovery was long, he faced it with newfound determination and the strength of those who stood by him.

In the end, the making of Dune 2 became more than just a film—it became a story of resilience, friendship, and the power of support. And as the cameras rolled and the epic tale unfolded, Austin Butler discovered that even in the darkest moments, there is always a path to redemption

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