Caught - A.B (Smut)

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The sun blazed over the dusty film set of "The Bikeriders," casting a golden halo around the trailers and the motorcycles lined up in the background. Inside one of the trailers, the faint sound of a couple's passionate whispers filled the air, oblivious to the chaos unfolding outside. Austin Butler lay tangled in the sheets with his girlfriend, her smooth skin glistening with sweat as she moved rhythmically above him. His moans grew louder, echoing off the metal walls, a crescendo of pleasure that was about to reach its peak.

Suddenly, the trailer door swung open, and Tom and Jodie, two of Austin's co-stars, stumbled in without so much as a knock. They had been sent by the director to fetch him for an unexpected scene change. Caught in the throes of passion, Austin froze mid-sentence, his eyes widening as he took in the shocked expressions on their faces. His girlfriend, lost in the moment, hadn't yet noticed the intrusion.

Tom's cheeks flushed scarlet, and Jodie's eyes darted around the room, searching for something to focus on other than the couple on the bed. "Oh, shit!" Tom exclaimed, slapping a hand over his mouth. "Sorry, man, we didn't know you were... uh... busy." Jodie's voice trailed off, her eyes glued to the floor.

Austin's heart hammered in his chest, his mind racing to formulate an apology or an excuse, but his girlfriend was about to reach that perfect spot again, and his body had a mind of its own. He managed to choke out a strangled, "It's okay, guys, just... give us a second," as she leaned down to kiss him deeply, her hips never missing a beat. The trailer was suddenly too small, too hot, and too full of people for what was happening on the bed.

With a final, intense grind from his girlfriend, Austin couldn't hold back anymore. He moaned deeply, his eyes squeezing shut as the waves of pleasure washed over him. Time seemed to stand still for a brief moment before he realized his castmates were still in the room, awkwardly standing by the door, their eyes averted but their ears surely taking in every sound.

"I'm so sorry," he murmured, his voice hoarse with passion. "We'll be out in a bit." His girlfriend finally pulled away, breathless and flushed, only to notice Tom and Jodie standing there. Her eyes widened in shock and she squealed, burying her face in the pillow. The room was thick with the tension of the unintended audience, the air charged with a mix of embarrassment and the lingering scent of desire.

Tom and Jodie exchanged a quick, panicked look before retreating from the trailer, stumbling over their own feet in their haste to leave. The door slammed shut behind them, leaving Austin and his girlfriend in a fit of nervous laughter. "Well," she said, peeking out from under the pillow, "that was... unexpected."

Austin's cheeks burned as he climbed out of bed, his body still humming from their encounter. He grabbed a robe and tied it around his waist, trying to ignore the obvious bulge that was now a testament to their interruption. "I guess we should get dressed," he said, his voice still thick with arousal. "They're going to be waiting."

The couple quickly dressed, their movements awkward and self-conscious. Austin's thoughts raced as he tried to figure out how to face his colleagues after such a mortifying incident. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for the onslaught of jokes and embarrassment that was surely waiting for him on set.

When they finally stepped out of the trailer, the set was abuzz with whispers and sly glances. The director was pacing, looking at his watch, and the rest of the cast and crew were trying to act nonchalant. The moment Austin appeared, the whispers grew louder, and he could feel the weight of everyone's gaze on him. He walked with his head held high, his girlfriend clutching his hand tightly, and made his way to the director to apologize for the delay.

The director, a burly man named Jeff waved him off with a knowing smirk. "Don't worry about it, kid," he said. "We've all been there. Just remember to lock the door next time." The crew snickered, and Austin felt his face grow even hotter.

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