Heatstroke and Wardrobe malfunctions - A.B

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The set of The Bikeriders was bustling with activity as the cast and crew prepared for another intense day of filming. Austin Butler, already a bit frazzled from the early start, adjusted his shirt, trying to find some comfort in the sweltering heat. The wardrobe department had outfitted him in a leather jacket and jeans, perfect for the role but less ideal for the rising temperatures.

As he walked to his trailer, the costume supervisor, Jenny, called out to him. "Austin, your shirt is a bit too unbuttoned. Can you button it up, please?"

Austin glanced down, realizing that he had indeed left it more open than usual to help cool down. He nodded, feeling a bit embarrassed. "Sure thing, Jenny."

He buttoned up his shirt and headed to the set, determined to shake off the minor embarrassment. However, as the day wore on, things only got worse. His wardrobe seemed to have a mind of its own. The clothes ordered for him were a size too small, and he found himself constantly readjusting them, trying to make them fit comfortably.

During a particularly difficult scene, Austin's jacket ripped at the seam. He sighed in frustration as Jenny rushed over to fix it. "Sorry about that, Austin. We'll get you a new one as soon as possible."

"It's fine," Austin muttered, his patience wearing thin.

By midday, Austin was thoroughly annoyed. The constant wardrobe malfunctions and the ill-fitting clothes were driving him up the wall. He was irritable, snapping at small things, and his head was starting to throb with a developing headache.

As the sun climbed higher, the heat became unbearable. Austin's leather jacket felt like a furnace, and his frustration reached a boiling point. During a break, he unbuttoned his shirt again, hoping to get some relief from the stifling heat.

"Austin, can you button up your shirt again?" Jenny asked, appearing beside him once more.

Austin snapped, his temper finally breaking. "Just leave me alone, Jenny! I'm burning up out here! I don't need you continuously hounding me about my shirt!"  

Jenny looked taken aback, and Austin immediately regretted his outburst, but he was too tired and too hot to care. He leaned against a nearby wall, trying to catch his breath, but the world around him started to blur. The heat, the frustration, the exhaustion—it was all too much.

Suddenly, everything went dark.

When Austin came to, he was lying on the ground with concerned faces hovering over him. He could hear distant voices, someone calling for water. He tried to move but felt too weak. Then, a rush of cold water splashed over him, jolting him back to full consciousness.

"Easy, Austin. Just breathe," Jenny's voice said softly, her earlier frustration replaced by genuine concern.

Austin blinked, disoriented and embarrassed. "What happened?"

"You fainted from heatstroke," said one of the crew members, handing him a bottle of water. "We need to get you out of the sun."

They helped him up and guided him to a shaded area, where he could sit and recover. His manager, Karen, arrived, her expression a mix of worry and relief. "Austin, you need to take better care of yourself. This heat is no joke."

Austin nodded, sipping the water slowly. "I know. I'm sorry. It's just been a rough day."

"Let's take it easy for the rest of the day," Karen suggested. "We'll make sure you stay cool and hydrated."

The crew adjusted the schedule to give Austin more time to recover. As he sat in the shade, he reflected on the day's events. The frustration, the irritability, the heat—it had all come to a head in a dramatic and embarrassing way. But now, surrounded by people who genuinely cared about his well-being, he felt a renewed sense of gratitude.

"Thanks, everyone," he said quietly, looking around at the concerned faces. "I'm sorry for snapping earlier. I just... wasn't handling things well."

"Don't worry about it," Jenny said with a reassuring smile. "We're just glad you're okay."

Austin managed a weak smile. "I'll try to be more careful from now on."

As the day wound down, Austin felt a deep exhaustion settle over him, but it was tempered by the knowledge that he had a supportive team around him. It had been a tough day, but he knew he could rely on them to help him through it.

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