Broken Nose - A.B

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The set of The Bikeriders buzzed with controlled chaos, motorcycles revving in the background as Austin Butler prepared for a pivotal scene. It was meant to be a day like any other, filled with the adrenaline of filming action sequences and the camaraderie of the cast and crew. Little did Austin know, this day would take an unexpected turn.

As he rehearsed his lines, a stray prop accidentally struck Austin in the face. The impact was sudden and sharp, causing him to stagger back, one hand instinctively going to his nose. His co-stars rushed to his side, concern etched on their faces.

"Austin, are you okay?" Tom asked, his voice laced with worry.

Austin winced, blood trickling between his fingers. "Yeah, I'm fine," he muttered, trying to brush off their concern. "Just need to stop the bleeding. It's probably nothing serious."

But as minutes passed and the bleeding showed no signs of abating, the on-set medic insisted on examining him. Reluctantly, Austin allowed them to inspect his nose. The medic's expression grew grim as he gently probed the area.

"I'm sorry, Austin," the medic said softly. "Your nose is broken."

Austin's heart sank. He felt a wave of dizziness wash over him, his vision swimming. "I... I think I need to sit down," he managed to say before everything went black.

When Austin woke up, he was lying on a makeshift bed in the medic's office, a cool compress on his forehead. The room was quiet, the bustle of the set muffled. Memories of what had happened began to flood back, and he gingerly touched his nose, feeling the bandages that now wrapped around it.

The medic entered the room, relief evident on his face. "You're awake. How are you feeling?"

Austin swallowed, his throat dry. "My nose... Is it really broken?"

The medic nodded solemnly. "Yes, but don't worry. We've got it stabilized for now. You lost some blood, but we're monitoring you closely."

Austin closed his eyes, trying to process everything. "I didn't think it was that bad," he murmured.

"It happens," the medic reassured him. "You're not the first actor to take a hit on set."

As the reality of what had transpired sank in, Austin felt a mix of embarrassment and gratitude. Embarrassed that he had brushed off the injury, and grateful that the medic had been there to intervene.

"I'm sorry," Austin said quietly. "I should have listened."

The medic smiled gently. "You're fine now. Just rest up. We'll keep an eye on you."

In the days that followed, Austin took the necessary time to recover. The incident served as a reminder of the unpredictability of filming, where even the most routine scenes could turn into unexpected challenges. But through it all, Austin found solace in the support of his castmates and the professionalism of the crew.

And as he returned to the set, his nose tender but on the mend, Austin carried with him a newfound appreciation for the vigilance and care that surrounded him. Each day was a reminder to never underestimate the risks, but also to trust in the expertise of those who ensured his safety, both on and off screen.

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