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As the seamstresses all helped Amelia into her dress soon she realized how simple the dress actually was, how plain the English actually were.

"Is he handsome? Is he kind? Is he funny? Is he warm? Well-read? Artistic? Athletic?" She asked waiting for someone to tell her at least something.

"We can discuss the order of matrimonial ceremony" Brimsley spoke up but Amelia sighed, that was not the answer she was hoping for.

"Is he ugly? Deformed perhaps in some way because beauty is inside. Well, it is not inside but I am kind and will see past his flaws."

"The Archbishop sent over some verses for you to-" Brimsley said hit Amelia cut him short once again, "Is he dull? Not very smart? Mentally slow? I can work on those. You can tell me, is he cruel?"

One of the seamstresses looked up a Amelia and smiled, "You're going to have wonderful children together."

This was bad, no one spoke of the king with means his is a bad person, he was cruel and horrible and Amelia couldn't be married to a man like that, "You said you're always going to be with me, Brimsley."

"Yes, you need never worry, I will be here" Amelia hummed in response, "I need to use the chamber pot, are you with me for that too?"

Shocked to what she said, Brimsley nodded and pushed everyone out of the room leaving Amelia to her thoughts.

She needed to leave, she hated it here, with there simpleness and their order, she couldn't possibly marry a crueo King.

Sneaking out of the room, Amelia wandered down the corridors of the castle, she stopped near the huge windows and looked out to the beautiful garden below.

Flowers of various kinds were planted and every a flowe decorated wall...a wall, sudden she had a brilliant idea and ran out of the palace towards the garden.

Reaching the garden, Amelia was amazed, every flowed she could think of was here, she walked passed each flower and sniffed their scent. She reached the flower decoratwd wall and realized why she actually came here.

Looking around the wall, Amelia examined it entirely, she was good at climbing, that was a advantage. Taking a vine in hand she placed her foot on another vine but it snapped and she landed back on the ground.

Amelia huffed in annoyance and took hold of another vine, placing her foot on a thicker vine she lifted herself up and stood their for the next five seconds wanderinh how to climb onwards.

From behind Amelia, George stood watching the strange girl, he cleared his throat. "Hellos, my Lady. Are you in need of any assistance?"

Getting down from the vines, Amelia hadn't turned around and looked to the vines calculating a new way to climb.

"Uh...I am quite fine, thank you. You can go back inside with all the other people" she said trying to wave him away.

George raised an eyebrow, "You are certainly doing something" he said as he tilted his head, "I am doing nothing."

"You are."

Amelia huffed, "If you really want to know, I am trying to calculate the next way to get over this damn wall but the vines keep breaking" she said pointing her hands to the broken vines.

"Whatever for?" George asked.

"I think he is a beast or he is cruel, certainly a horrible man" Amelia said biting her nails, "Who are we discussing?"

"The King. No one will speak about him, back in America everyone spoke of someone of such importance so he must be a beast" Amelia said still not turning around, George nodded, "Understood."

"You know, if i-yes! You could held me by lifting me" she said waiting for the man to take hold of her waist but he never did.

"Just a question. Do you not like beasts or trolls? What he looks like matters to you" Amelia sighed, "I do not care what he looks like but I care about not knowing him."

Puting her hands on her hips she spoke again, "If you may lift me, I could make it over the wall."

"You want me to lift you over the wall so you may escape?"

"That is what I asked of you."

"People will notice you are missing."

"I do not care. I just need some help"

"I do not have any intention of helping you" George said innocently, "I am lady in need of help, will you refuse to held a lady."

"I will refuse when that lady is trying to go over a wall so she may not marry me" turning around Amelia saw a quite handsome and decently dressed man.

"Hello Amelia. I'm George" George smiled sweetly at the girl, however Amelia felt embarrassed, "I am so sorry your Majesty" she bowed.

"Not your majesty, George. I mean, yes your Majesty, but to you just George."

"I- Pleas forgive me your Majesty, if I had known your were..." Amelia trailed off, "You would have what? Not told me your plan?"

"Uh...umm, well yes. I do apologize."

"George, just George. The 'King' situation, it towers over us. Accident by birth on my part. But I thought, perhaps as my wife you could ignore it and I could be just George to you."

Amelia looked down disappointed in herself, she thought the worst of him yet he was nothing like she thought he was.

"That was, of course, before I found out you do not want to marry me"

"I did not say that."

"Oh, you did."

"I did not."

"You did."

Amelia sighed, "It is just, I do not know you" she said, "I do not know you either" George replied and smiled at her. "Except you are extremely bad at climbing walls."

Amelia chuckled, "Try climbing with this dress on" she said gesturing to the ridiculous dress she had on.

George thought she was beautiful, more beautiful than any woman he had ever saw and admired her beauty, "What?"

"You are incomparable. No one told me you'd be this beautiful, you may to beautiful to marry me, people will talk, since I am a troll" Amelia smiled to herself.

"Your Majesty..."


Amelia chuckled softly, "George."

"What do you want to know?" George asked, somehow he felt calm around her, that he could talk to her, "What?" Amelia asked confused.

"You do not know me, what do you want to know about me?" George asked innocently, "Well I was... everything."

George clicked his tongue, "Everything? I was born prematurely, everyone thought I was going to die but I didn't. I am a fair fencer, and even better shot. My favorite food it mutton, I despise fish. I like books and art and good conversation, most of all I like science."

Amelia let out a low giggle, "Science?" George odded his head, "Chemistry, physics and botany especially astronomy. The Stars I'm the heavens, I'm quite the farmer. Would probably be a farmer if not too oc...occupied."

"I have a scar here" he pointed to his ribcage, "...from falling off my horse. I have a scar here" he pointed to his finger, "from being incredibly clumsy with a paring knife."

Amelia smiled at his innocence, "And I'm very nervous about marrying a girl..." he chuckled, "about marrying a girl.im just meeting minutes before the wedding. But I cannot show it or clim over a wall because I am the King of Great Britain and Ireland and that would be...to much of a scandal. But I promise you Amelia, I am neither a troll nor a beast, I am Just George."

The Stars|| King George III Where stories live. Discover now