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Once they arrived at the gates of the Kew Estate, Amelia peeked out, she could see why George enjoyed it here, the house was beautiful, maybe more beautiful that Buckingham palace.

Once the carriage stopped and the doors opened Amelia stepped out and was greeted by a tall man with blonde hair that offered her a kind smile.

"Where is he?"

"Your majesty, we were not expecting you" he said and bowed his head, "Where is he?!" Amelia repeated more serious this time.

The man sighed and pointed to the building situated just outside the castle, "The observatory, your majesty" Amelia sighed, thanked the man and made her way to the building.

She wondered what could George possibly be doing there, perhaps he was with a whore, Amelia expected the worst as she entered the observatory.

Amelia looked around, it looked nothing like she expected it to. A huge telescope sat in the middle of the room, posters and maps all over the halls and there George stood with a map in his hands.

"What is this place?"

Startled, George looked up and a grin crept to his face, "Amelia, hello. Here you are. This? It is an observatory for looking at the stars" Amelia's eyes moved from George to the telescope.

"Now, this is a perfectly clear night. You can see the constellations and I think I'm getting a glimpse of a planet" as George moved the telescope, Amelia's eyes scanned the room.

A bed, untouched food, it was like he lived here, "Come look" George offers but Amelia stayed in her place, "Is this what you have been doing?"

"Execuse me?"

"Since our wedding? Is this how you have been spending your time since our wedding?"

"Well yes, it is most exciting. There is an alignment-"

"I'm this room?"



"It is called an observatory."

Amelia nodded her head and sighed, "Have I done something wrong perhaps? Did I perhaps make a mistake?"

George looked at her and shook his head, "You made no mistake" Amelia smiled, "Did I say something to offend you?" She asked and raised an eyebrow.

George shook his head, "No."

"Did I do something to offend you?"


"Then what is it? What is possibly wrong with me?" Amelia asked as she felt her throat burn, she didn't want to cry not now, not here.

"There is most certainly nothing wrong with you" George said and looked away from her, "Oh, but there must be something wrong with me. You couldn't leave fast enough from Buckingham palace."

"Do not become unreasonable" George begun walking away from her and towards a table, "You have been in this, what did you call it? An observatory? In here you have been sleeping and eating and staring up at the sky and feeling very much excited by the constellations since the night of our wedding. While I have been stuck in that stuffy house, being changed like a doll three damn times a day with nowhere to go, no one I could talk to, nothing I could do-"

George scoffed and smiled, "You are the Queen. You can do whatever you like."

"Except spend time with you, my husband!"

"Come now Ammie." Her face softened as George used a nickname for her but soon she remembered her anger and realized how quiet she way.


"I do not understand what you complain about."

"You know George, I am seven and ten years of age and suddenly I am a Queen of a strange country I have never been to. With strange food and strange customs." Amelia said as she begun walking closer to him.

"You do not understand this because you were born into this, this is what you do. I cannot just do whatever I like, the Queen is not allowed to venture out, go to the modiste or the gallery or the ice shops. I cannot make friends with whom ever I like because there is no one to make friends with. I just hold myself apart. I do not know a single soul here except for you. I'm completely and utterly alone...and you prefer the sky to me."

George stayed quiet and this made Amelia even more angry, "George!"


"Say something, please!"

"I do not want to fight with you."

"Well I want to fight with you! Fight with me! Fight for me!"

"Go home, Amelia!" George yelled and pointed to the door, Amelia looked at George as tears fell down her cheeks, she held back a sob, "Very well."

She gathered her skirts and left the room. She practically ran to the carriage and hastenly entered, concerned Brimsley joined her.

"Has something happened."

"I just want to go. Let us go home" Amelia rested back and let the tears fall freely.

This is nothing like Peter said it would be.


The following days was filled with dullness, Amelia still felt like a doll, being changed like a doll, she stayed in that house, like a doll stayed in her play house.

She did try to do things for herself, she tried reading but everytime she reached for a book and guard would take it for her and have it placed by her bedside table, so she threw away the idea of doing anything for herself.

With her free time she wandered the halls of her castle, every corner, every room, she knew it but never had an interested of remembering it, she was but one person, why would she need so many rooms?

She wanted to do something, she needed to do something with her days than just change, eat and sleep. "Brimsley?"

Behind her Brimsley sped up to her, "Your majesty?"

"Are there any balls, events I could attend, perhaps I could-"

"Your majesty, this is still your honeymoon."

Amelia sighed, "This is still my honeymoon. Well there has to be something I could do to cure my boredom."

Brimsley stopped, Amelia couldn't hear the steps of Brimsley and turned around seeing a guard whisper something in his ear, "What is it?"

The corners of Brimsley's lips curved up to a smile as the guard walked away, "It seems the King has a gift for you."

"A gift?"

"Yes, your majesty."

"Well where is it?

"In the foyer, your Majesty."

Amelia quickly made her way to the foyer and upon arriving she noticed a squire with a basket in his hands, suddenly something moved.

Taking a step back she leaned back to Brimsley, "What is it?"

"Well there is a letter too" Brimsley handed the letter to Amelia, she quicky opened it.

I never want you to feel alone
-George R.

Amelia thought the letter to be useless but sweet, she handed it back to Brimsley and walked towards the basket. She opened the lid of it and saw a small puppy.

Taking it into her arms she smiled and turned to Brimsley, "It's a dog."

"It is a dog" Brimsley said as a small smile made its way to his face, "A Pomeranian." Amelia nodded and rubbed the soft fur of the dog.

"Just like George prefers the stars to me, I'll prefer this dog to him."

The Stars|| King George III Where stories live. Discover now