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After repeating the entire process again, sleep, dress, eat, walk or explore, dress again, eat then sleep once again.

Amelia was tired of it, it was just a cycle of endless loneliness and Amelia wanted it to stop.

Standing in the garden, Amelia reached over and smelt a flower, one of the guards stepped forward, clipped the flower and placed it on a silver tray for her to take.

She looked at the guard then back at the flower and hesitantly took the flower, smiling nervously.

"Your majesty" one of the guard said as he bowed, "Yes?" Amelia said looking to the guard with curious eyes, "Lord William is here" Amelia's face lit up, "Peter is here? Come let us go see him."

As Amelia walked the halls of Buckingham palace, she could not contain her smile, her cousin was here and she would go home. Leave this dreadful place and go back to America.

"Cousin" Amelia said and she walked into the drawing room, she walked over to Peter and pulled him into a hug, a hug he did not return.

Slowly her smile faded as she couldn't feel Peter hug her back. "Your majesty" Peter said and bowed, Amelia sighed and stood up straight.

"I am to return home. Uncle sent a letter that I am needed back in America." Amelia's mouth opened, "You're leaving."


"Take me with you" Amelia said and took a few steps closer to him, "The King would not like that."

"Fuck what the King thinks, he does not care for me like I thought he did" Peter's eyes widened, "Have you not been doing your duty as Queen?"

"What duties Peter? I have been here for a week and do you know where the king is. He is in fucking Kew while I am here. Yes it is quite fine and I enjoy the loneliness but I want to talk to someone and all I know is him."

"Amelia...I have to go."

"I know."

Tears swelled up in her eyes as she watched Peter walk to her and bring into a hug, she rested her head against his chest as she let the tears fall and let out quiet sob.

Peter broke the hug and his hand cupped her face, his fingers wiped away her tears, "I have to go" Amelia drew in a deep breath and took a step back.

"Goodbye, your majesty" Peter bowed and walked out of the room, "Goodbye Peter" Amelia muttered to herself.


The rest of the day Amelia stayed in her room, she was now utterly alone in this world, no one was there for her, no one but George.

When evening fell, she changed into her dinner dress, a light blue dress with sapphires decorating the bodice, her brown hair pinned back, a few strands hanging loose around her face.

She made her way to the dining table, her posture great and her hands infront of her dress. Anyone who could see her would think she came from royalty.

At the dinner table she was served roasted beef steak, vegetables and a glass of the finest wine they had. She smiled to the guards and took the fork and knife into her hands.

She begun at the vegetables, eating a piece of broccoli, "How could he just leave me like this. For a week!" She said as she looked to the guards.

Her knife begun cutting the meat, she sliced a piece and placed it into her mouth, "I am talking to my guards, I am going insane in this house" she swallowed and roughly begun cutting the meat.

All her sadness had vanished and was replaced by anger, anger towards her father, the King, herself. Why didn't she go over the stupid wall?

Frustrated, the cutlery slammed onto the table and Amelia took a deep breath, "Brimsley" she called out a Brimsley took a step closer.

"Yes, your majesty."

"Ready the carriage."

"Yes, your majesty. May I say our destination."

"We are going to Kew, to see my husband."

Amelia stood up and made her way to the front door, as she arrived outside, a gush of wind blew passed her and she shivered.

A guard had her grey cloak and draped it over her shoulders. She entered the carriage and made her journey to Kew.

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