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After agreeing to attend the Danbury ball, Amelia and George made their way to the Danbury house and very late indeed.

By the time the couple arrived to the ball, it had already begun and people had already begun dancing, "His Majesty King George the third and Queen Amelia."

The couple walked into the room, Amelia wore a royal blue gown, sapphires decorating the bodice, her hair was done in a tight updo while George wore a plain white suite which certainly fit him well.

Everyone bowed in respect for their King and Queen while the couple made their way towards Lord and Lady Danbury.

"Lord and Lady Danbury, thank you for having me" George said with a smile on his face, "Your majesty" Lord Danbury said showcasing his rather yellow teeth.

Amelia gave Agatha a kind yet apologetic smile, Agatha smiled in return. George turned to his wife, "Shall we?" He asked and Amelia hummed in response.

The pair made their way to the middle of the dance floor, the music begun playing and soom had their dance. Once they got the rhythm of the music others joined in, mixed pair, even Lord Ledger and Lady Danbury had taken to the floor.

The night went on splendid, the ball was a success. George was happy, she was happy and it was not an act, this was them.

As it was time to leave, George made his way to the carriage while Amelia stood with Lady Danbury, "I wanted to apologize for my outburst the last time we spoke."

Agatha shook her head, "I should be the one to apologize, I should not have said such things to you, but if I hadn't the balls wouldn't have been such a success."

"You are right."

"Good night your Majesty."


The couple had made their journey back to Buckingham house and readied themselves for bed, George sat on the couch while some of the made helped Amelia out of her dress.

"You were spectacular."

"You were."

"I do not know if you understand what you have done. With one evening, one party, we have created more change, stepped forward more than Britain has in the last century. More than I would have dreamed."

Amelia chuckled lightly and shook her head, "You can do anything George" George nodded, "With you by my side I think I can."

Amelia blushed slightly and looked away from her husband, George clapped his hands and looked to one of the help, "I can. She needs a dressing gown."

"George, I am in my bed chamber, readying for bed" George stepped closer, "You need your dressing because firstly we are going to get something to eat and secondly we are going to my bed chamber and you certainly cannot do that naked."

Amelia chuckled as the woman slipped on her dressing gown, once it was on George took a another few steps closer, lifted her bridal style and walked out to the kitchen to search for food.


Later that very night, Amelia was rather cold and wanted to snuggle up closer to George but as she moved back, she felt no one beside her, slowly opening her eyes, she turned to the space next to her.


She looked around the room in search of her dear husband but all she found or rather heard was mumbling and someone drawing, "George, is that you?"

After no response, Amelia got out of bed, lit a lamp and walked over to the sound, there George stood drawing on the walls.

"Farmer...Farmer King. Farmer George. Finding Venus. Need to get it right. Farmer George. Farmer King. Farmer. Wait. Farm. Farmer...that's not right."

Amelia's eyes studied the drawings and writing but she was not concerned about that rather her husband who were drawing them, "George?"

George turned around and glanced at his wife before leaving his drawings and making his way for the door and walking out.

After taking one last look at the drawings, Amelia followed him.

Amelia chased after George as she walked through the corridor, muttering things she didn't quite understand, they passed on of the guards ,"Your majesty's can i-"

"George is working, go back to your post or even go back to sleep" Amelia told the man and continued to followed after George, confused and rather scared.

George ended up openinh the door of to the garden, a wind blew in and Amelia shivered. As George looked up into the clear sky he broke into a run.

Worried, Amelia ran after him, "George, it is cold and you have nothing on your feet" Amelia herself was barefoot but that didn't matter to her, only her husband.

"I see you! Venus my angel! I see you!" George yelled into the sky, still running. As soon as Amelia caught up to the man he had stripped naked and continued to yell.

"Venus my angel! I am here! I am here! I feel you, talk to me! I knew you would come. I knew it. Yes. They will see."

Amelia watched as her husband yelled and spoke to the sky, she didn't know at to do, she was internally panicking.

Reynolds ran passed her with a blanket in his hand, "Your majesty, perhaps you would like to warm up."

George ignored Reynolds, "It is Venus. Do you see her?"

"I do your majesty."

"Say hello."

"Hello Venus. Let us cover you with this" George pushed the blanket away. "HELLO VENUS!!!"

Amelia took a deep breath, stepped forward and took the blanket, an idea in her mind.

"George?" No response.

"George." Still no response.

Amelia stood behind George, "Farmer George" that gained his attention and turned around, "It is Venus, say hello."

Amelia shook her head, "No George, I am Venus. Right here I am Venus."

"You are Venus?"


George shook his head, "You are not Venus" Amelia was taken back and George fell to his knees. Amelia's eyes burned, she knelt down next to him.

"Farmer George?"

"Venus, I see you."

"George, I am Venus. Venus is right here."

George turned to face her, "You are Venus."

"I am and Venus is going inside" Amelia draped the blanket over his shoulders, "You need to come with me."

"I thought you were in the sky."

"I was in the sky but now I am going inside. Into Buckingham house "

Amelia wiped away her tear and helped him stand up, "Venus is indoors?"

"Venus is indoors. With you. She is with you. I am with you"

Amelia begun to help George walk back into the house. Surely there way something wrong with him, normal people do not act the way he is acting.

They do not talk to the sky.

The Stars|| King George III Where stories live. Discover now