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After Amelia and George had their short conversation, Peters set out to find her and finally coming to the conclusion that George was not a troll Amelia decided to stay but she needed her mother's dress.

Standing behind the door, Amelia's nerves grew, "Cousin, I'm terrified. I know they will judge me, just because I look like them doesn't mean I act like them."

Cupping her face, Peter smiled softly, "In a few minutes you'll be Queen and wouldn't have to care about the looks" Amelia snorted and nodded her head for the guards outside.

Walking down the isle, Amelia already knew people where judging her, then smiled as her eyes fell on George.

Reaching the Archbishop, Peter hand Amelia's hand to George and walked away. "You look beautiful" George whispered to her, "I just need to get out of my climbing gear."

After sharing their vows, George placed a beautiful diamond ring into her finger and finally their lips connected sealing the marriage.


As the hours moved passed swiftly and it was now night, George tightened his hold on her hand as they stood at the exit thanking everyone who attended the wedding.

Seeing Peter walking down the hall, Amelia's smiled grew wider, "Take care, your Majesty" immediately her smile faded, "Peter..."

"I shall pray that you are soon blessed with children, your Majesty" Amelia's heart sank, she didn't know what to do as Peter bowed and went over to his carriage.

"Your Majesty" regaining herself, Amelia placed a smile on her face and tuned to a woman who looked a few years older than her, wearing a yellow dress and very beautiful.

"It is an honor. I'm Lady Agatha Danbury. I am to be on your court" Amelia smiled and took the woman's hands in hers, "Then we shall be amazing friends."

Stepping forward, Agatha whispered, "Be careful ma'am. Know that if you send for me, I shall come" smiling Amelia nodded and hummed in response.

Watching Lady Danbury leave, Amelia was caught off guard by George who stood beside her, "I have a surprise for you."

Amelia's face lit up, "A surprised?" George nodded, "A present really, you should need your cloak."

After knotting her cloak, Amelia and George entered the carriage and sat besides each other. Amelia looked out the window to the passing people, her people.

"What is the surprise? Could you telle that it is?" Amelia hated surprises, gated them ever since her mother died. "You will see, just wait."

As the carriage stopped, Amelia looked out the window, it was a beautiful home, a house to where she assumed she and George would live in.

Stepping out of the carriage, George offered a hand for Amelia who gladly took it and stepped out of the carriage, "What do you think?"

Now she had a much better look on the house, not words could even describe it, "This is our house..."

"I had it redesigned, just for you" Amelia's smile widened, "For me? This is our house" she said still amazed.

"This is your house" Amelia's smiled slowly faded, "My house? What do you mean?"

"This is were you shall live. I had all your things moved here during the ceremony."

Amelia furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "I do not understand. If this my house, should it not be our house?"

"I suppose officially, St' James Palace is our house, but this is were you shall stay."

"And you shall..."

"I have an Estate in Kew."

Amelia was completely confused, wasn't married people supposed to live together, where not supposed to be together.

"So you shall live in Kew?"


Amelia smiled softly, "George, it is our wedding night." George nodded his head and walked a few steps up the stairs, "And you need to rest, it is late and you've been traveling, I shall let you go inside."

Amelia shook her head, "No George, it is our Wedding night. We are supposed to be... We are married aren't we supposed to do what married people do?"

Amelia didn't know what act, she heard of it, never experienced it but she knew people did it, especially on their wedding night.

"Are you demanding I perform my marital duty to you?"

"I am not demanding anything, I am just asking... Do we not spend time together? Cousin said tonight we shall be together."

"Fine I shall stay" George said as he begun storming into the castle, Amelia following after. "I said I shall stay, are you coming?" As they entered the home, the staff applaud.

"George, George I cannot keep up with you." She said running after him, "You wanted me in the bedroom, is that not where I shall be?"

"Not if you're to act in such a manner" stopping infront of Georgs, Amelia let her dress go, "You are angry, what is wrong? What have I done? Whatever it is, I am sorry."

"I just...I want to go to Kew."

"Then let us go to Kew."

"No, I"

"You do not want me to go to Kew with you?" She asked.

"This is your home" George said, "And that is yours" George nodded, "I see."

"You do, good. So you are all right" he said happy she finally understood.

"I am not fine, George. This is how it is to be? This is our marriage? You ther and me here?"



"I...I thought it would be. It is easier."

Amelia was confused, "Easier for whom, you or me?" she asked gesturing to each person.

"I'm not going to debate this with you."

"I merely wish to understand, you eyes to at least tell me-"

"I do not need to do anything! I have decide! I have decided! I am your King."

Amelia was takes aback, she was confused and terrified but he was the king, "My mistake, I thought you were just George, forgive me your Majesty."

"Amelia .." George took a step forward but Amelia took a step back.

"May I withdraw your majesty or did you want to say anything else to me" Amelia couldn't show her fear and gave him a sweet smile.

"A.. Amelia, this is for the best."

"Of course, your Majesty, whatever you wish."

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