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"I want to meet my ladies-in-waiting" Amelia said from her seat on the couch, Summer, her dog, cuddled up on her lap, Brimsley behind her.

"It is still your honeymoon, you cannot meet your ladies-in-waiting, your majesty" Brimsley said as he took a step closer, "But I could meet with Peter."

"Your cousin was leaving the country, that is the only reason the Dowager Princess allowed him to visit, to say goodbye."

"But I am Queen, can I not just meet someone?" Amelia turned around to Brimsley and raised an eyebrow, Brimsley sighed, "If you were to meet one of your ladies-in-waiting, your majesty would want to be discreet about it."

Amelia nodded and thought for a moment, "If I am to be discreet, would Lady Danbury be the best option?" Brimsley smiled and nodded, "Could you invite her for tea?"

"Indeed, your majesty."


Amelia remained sitting in the drawing room, Summer still cuddled up on her lap and a cup of tea in her hands. Lady Agatha Danbury sat opposite her.

Amelia was never knew to drink tea, but nonetheless she forced it down and gave Agatha a smile. Agatha slowly sipped her tea, very nervous that she was in the presence of the Queen.

Though Amelia thought it to be two woman having tea.

"How is the tea? Is it to your liking?" Amelia asked as she lowered her cup and placed it on the table, "The tea is good, your majesty. I do think your dog is pretty."

Amelia smiled and looked down to Summer, sher rubbed her hand over the Pomeranian, "It was a gift from the King."

"That was very kind of the King" Agatha said, Amelia raised her head and smiled at the woman, "I think so too."

Agatha smiled but soon cleared her throat remembering she was in the presence of the Queen, "It was quite kind of you, to invite me to, your majesty. Are you meeting your ladies-in-waiting individually ?"

"Umm, no. It got rather lonely and I wanted to meet with someone but since it's still my honeymoon Brimsley suggested I meet one of my ladies-in-waiting and you came to mind."

Agatha smiled awkwardly and Amelia realized how much she had just told the woman. Shit. "My honeymoon is doing wonderful, do forgive my rambling."

Agatha cleared her throat and placed her cup of tea in the table, "May I speak freely, your majesty?"

Amelia turned to Brimsley, who have her a nodded and ushered everyone out, "I shall be just outside the door. Five spaces behind."

Amelia watched at the door closed and snapped her head back to Agatha and sighed in relief, "Do please speak freely, no one else has the heart to."

Amelia tapped her seat next to her and Agatha quickly sat next to the Queen, "Firstly, I are an extremely terrible liar. I did not believe a single word you said and you quite enjoy rambling" Amelia chuckled.

"The entire time here has been dreadful, stuck in this stuffy house, with nothing to do and no one to talk to and do you know where the king is? In Kew, looking at the damn stars. The only good thing about all of it is that I was gifted a dog."

"Oh, do not worry, my own honeymoon was a disaster. My wedding night, I did not know what to expect. He was old and very much impatient, all of it was painful and quite terrifying. It is alright if your wedding night was not perfect or the way you hoped it would be."

Amelia looked down, fidgeting with her hands, she didn't have a wedding night and she hoped Agatha would soon find out, which she did. "You did have a wedding night?"

"He was rude and selfish. All he wanted to do was leave and leave me here in this house alone with only Brimsley to talk to, I hate it here and all I want to do is go home" Agatha nodded but sat closer to Amelia.

"Amelia I am speaking of a wedding night. You do understand what a wedding night is? Consummating your marriage and all that."

Amelia opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out, "I am still allowed to speak freely?"

Amelia nodded, "Amelia if you did not consummate your marriage it means you are not technically married to the King. Your entire position is in danger."

"So I may leave?"

Agatha shook her head and Amelia's smile faded, "Your majesty that is not-tell me, do you know what consummate means?" Amelia shook her head and Agatha gasped softly.

Amelia looked down in embarrassment, noticinh this Agatha placed her hand in the Queen's for any comfort, "Is it all right. We shall calm for Brimsley and I will tell you everything. We also need coal and drawing paper."


Multiple papers were scattered on the dining table, drawing of things Amelia never knew about but intrigued her. Men and woman in weird position.

"Well the man will lay on the woman and pushed himself into her."

"How?" Amelia asked still looking down at the drawings, "Well, this" Agatha took one of the drawing tinot her hand and pointed to the man's private area.

"This is a penis and then the man pushes himself into the woman" Amelia nodded and took the drawing into her hand.

It looked off, something she never thought of doing. But it seems she'll have to and their is not way of escaping it.

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