Chapter 3

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We walked into the restaurant. we walked to the back and ordered our food.

"So tell me about yourself." I said as I take a small sip out of my Pepsi.

"There's not much to me I work all day." we both took bites.

"What's your favorite kind of car? Food? Drink? Movie?"

"Well I like Range Rovers, Spaghetti and meatballs, sprite, iron man 2." he said. I started to laugh a little. "Now how about you."

"What would you like to know?"


"Well uh I like... um I don't know what I like. I never get to do anything."

"Okay well why don't we figure that out another time because we gotta go." he said as he paid the waitress. We walked out of the small building. And back to Harry's grey Range Rover. We drove back to work were I realized H.S inc. written across the top of the doors of the building in big black letters. Harry and I walked through the building into the elevator. When the doors on the elevator shut the women that was standing in front of us turned around.

"Hello Mr.styles," she said as Harry just smiled. "may I ask you for your phone number and your little 12 year old daughter to stop looking at me?" I was about to stabbed her twenty thousand times in her face and her oversized fake boobs.

"May I ask you to shut the fuck up and don't talk about my 18 year old girlfriend." he said putting his arm around my waist. "Why are you even in my building?"

"Mr.Styles I work here."

"Not anymore so get the fuck out of my building." Harry said as we walked out of the elevator and down to his office. He went straight in and sat down. he handed me a bunch of folders and told me to make two piles of paper, one that had a decline stamp on it and one that had an approved stamp on in. So I did just that on the desk I had over to the side of the room. When I finished I looked at my phone.

"Oh shit." I said as I started to gather my stuff. " Sorry for my language."

"What's wrong?"

"My only ride home left two hours ago. I was supposed to leave and now I have to walk 16 miles home. Goodbye harry I will see you tomorrow." I said as I put my jacket on.

"No baby girl I can drive you home or you can sleep at my house for the night. I don't want you walking home. It's your choice." He said as he grabbed his stuff and got his keys. But did he really just call me baby girl?

"Is it okay if I come to your house because I really don't want to listen to my mom having sex all night like she always does."

"Okay well I didn't need to know that but when we get to my house put your clothes in the wash so you can wear it tomorrow." Harry said as we got into the parking garage.

"Oh no I always bring an extra outfit." We arrived at Harry's house. "you have a very beautiful home."

"It's very empty only I live here." he unlocked the door and walked in. "So you stay here I will be right back." I just stood their doing nothing but waiting for harry. He came back with nothing but boxers on. "here you can change into this I will make dinner. Bathroom is last door on the left right before the stairs." I nodded and walked to the bathroom. when I walked into the kitchen. All I could see was his back muscles flexing as he steered something in a pot. "Well you look good in my clothes."

"Thanks, what-" I was cut off by Harry's lips slowly kissing my shoulder then with every kiss he would move up. Soon enough his lips were on mine. our lips moved perfectly in sync. I pulled away "harry the food is burning."

"We can eat take out." he said as he shut the stove off and walked back to me. He didn't waste time attaching his lips back on mine. "come with me." he started down the hall way and up the stairs. I was following close behind. he walked in a room that I soon found out was a bedroom. He sat down on the bed. "sit on my lap baby."

"Okay." I sat down on his lap facing him so I was straddling him.

"Baby that very first time I saw you I knew I had to have you. I wanted you to be mine. when ever I wasn't with you I felt empty. Every time you left I would think how I wouldn't be able to have you because I am way older than you. Baby I need you and I would do anything to have you. but almost every time you walk in my office I see a bruise or scratches and I want to know what's happening but I never ask because it's your business, but baby girl why do you have always walk in with cuts and bruises?"

"It's my mom. She is always drunk and sometimes she lashes out on me. I don't want to live there anymore." I said as I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Does she do anything else to you?"

"She forces me to have sex with the men she brings home and she just watches. please help me out of there."

"Why didn't you tell me this before?"

"Because I didn't think you would have cared."

"Of course I would care. baby lay down I will bring food up in a minute, but tomorrow we are going to your house after work and we are going to pack your stuff." he said as I laid down and smiled knowing that he cared.

"Where am I going to live?"

"Well I don't know. I have a house you don't. So you are living with me my friend. Or should I say girlfriend?"

"Are you asking me out?"

"Yes I am so,"

"Yes Harry." I said as he winked at me and left the room. Moments later he walked in with Chinese food. We sat in silence as we ate.

"Baby I am tiered and we have work tomorrow, so let's go to bed."

"Okay, I'm where do you want me to sleep." I said getting up.

"Uh what do you mean I thought you were gonna sleep in here with me." he said and I laid back down.

"Goodnight, Harry"

"Goodnight babe." he kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms around my waist.
I just moved and don't have wifi. I won't have wifi for a week or two and I can't get 4g so I am gonna post as much as possible when I go to a place with free wifi I am pre writing chapters so I can post when I get wifi.

All the love. M

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