Chapter 9

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I woke up to the most annoying sound in the world. My alarm clock. I opened my eyes while smashing my hand onto the clock. I looked over hoping to find my beautiful sleeping soon to be awake boyfriend but he was nowhere in sight. In Harry's place was a note. The note read

I got called into work early. Come in on regular time. And be prepared to work hard cause we have a lot to do. I love you


I frowned as I read ' And be prepared to work hard.' Ever since I started working for Harry all I really did was run around the building giving people paperwork, getting him lunch, and give Harry reports on what's happening in the building. I brushed those ideas to the back of my head and headed to the bathroom. I did my normal morning routine shower, eat, brush my teeth and hair, makeup, get dressed, then leave. I made my way into the parking garage under the big building. I put on my fake smile as I walked through the building. Every once in a while I would give someone a short wave of hello. I finally got into Harry and I's office.

"Hello love." I looked at harry he was wearing black jeans and a white tee shirt with a black blazer.

"Why are you dressed like that?" I asked while I hung up my purse and jacket in the closet next to Harry's jacket.

"I forgot to do the laundry. And I don't have as much work clothes as you so I threw this together." Harry stated not looking up from the papers on his desk.

"So why'd you get called in early?" I sat down at my desk across the room from Harry.

"You know that murder that happened a few weeks ago." I nodded. of course I knew it was the only thing on the news. "well they found the murderer and they are taking him to court and he is hiring my company's best lawyer. And that lawyer just so happens to be me. So I am trying to get things together for his case next week."

"Don't get worked up over that case cause you have to go to that meeting tomorrow."

"What meeting? For what?" I could see the confusion on his face.

"Remember you want to open a building in LA." I said. A knock on the door boomed through the room. Seconds later a small blonde women walked in.

"Mr.Styles may I speak to you in private?" The young women said as she looked over to me. She was beautiful, she had curves in all the right places.

"No. She has work to do she won't listen. Right?" Harry raised his eyebrows towards me.

"Right." I whispered just loud enough for them to hear.

"Okay well I was wondering if I could have a promotion?"

"What's your name?" Harry said he looked over to me and I quickly looked down hoping he didn't see me.

"Amber Davis."

"Well in my company we have credits and after you earn enough credits you have a chance of a promotion and according to your files you shouldn't even been working here. but you don't have enough so please leave my office." With that she left with her head hanging low.


This chapter sucks and I am sorry but big things are gonna happen


All the love. M

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