Chapter 6

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**Harrys POV**

I woke up with a pounding headache. I could only hear the sound of little breathes and a beeping sound. I turned my head and saw my baby. She was sitting about a foot away. she was scrolling through her phone. Every once in awhile she would laugh.

"Baby..." I managed to say my tongue was numb and it was hard to talk.

"Harry I'm sorry that I put you though this." she said as she laid on the side of the bed closer to me.

"It's o-okay." why can't I talk.

"The doctor said that I will be fine. and we will be able to leave when we want." She looked so beautiful. She was like an angel.

"Can we leave n-now?" I said as I stood up and grabbed my clothes that I wore last night. They were washed and I was in a hospital gown.

"Harry your butts hanging out of the gown." she slapped my butt and went to the bathroom and got changed. when I walked out she was sitting in a chair. I walked over and knelt down in front of here.

"Please never do this again. I would never hurt you and you know it. I love you baby girl." I said as tears streamed down both of our faces.

"I won't I promise."

"Okay let's go." I said as I realized that it's not hard to talk. We walked back to the car. When I got in it the car it reeked of a metallic smell.

"Is that from me?" Hazel said as a billion tears fell down her face and she laid her head in her hands. I looked over and saw she was asleep. We later pulled into the drive way and I parked the car next to the house so that I can use the house.

"Baby girl do you want me to carry you in?" I said in her ear. She nodded her head but never opened her eyes. I swiftly picked her up and carried her to our bedroom. "I love you." I kissed her head and walked down stairs and out to the car that was covered in Hazels Blood. I scrubbed the carpets and seats. Finally the blood was gone.

I had gotten a text message.

From unknown
Hello may I speak to you for a minute?

To unknown
Depending on who this is.

From unknown
I am April Williams. I am a student from New York University. and I was wondering if I could interview you?

To April Williams
Sure come by my building tomorrow at 6:00 pm. If that's okay with you.

From April Williams
Well I will so you then.

I stopped texting her and put my phone away as I walked up the stairs and saw Hazel laying on the bed. She was asleep. I was tired too and it was almost 11:00 pm. So I laid down next to her.
Short chapter sorry

All the love. M

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