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[cassie klein]

sunday, march 2
bahrain grand prix.

     *It's the final lap of the Bahrain Grand Prix and it's so incredibly close between Norris and Leclerc!! It's almost a repeat of yesterday's qualifying round! Ferrari and McLaren battle it out for the top spot of the podium. Leclerc is shaving time off likes it's absolutely nothing, gaining almost a whole second that lap!

     ~It's not just the battle out the front, but there's another being fought by Norris' teammate Cassie Klein between herself and Mercedes' George Russell for P7! She's getting dangerously close, now in DRS distance as they come down the straight.

     *Oh, what an overtake by Klein! Around the corner, and she steps on the throttle, putting some serious distance between herself and Russell. Oh and there's another overtake!! Leclerc takes P1 from Norris! It's a close one, that's for sure!


P7. Again.

My heart's thumping in my ears as I round the corner and enter the pits.

P7. The same as yesterday.

I try to control my jagged breaths as I remove my wheel and hoist myself out of the car, ripping off my helmet and almost gasping at the fresh air. As I lean over to replace the wheel, my mind is invaded by my past.

It's not good enough, Cassie. You're not good enough.

The words that were once drilled into me resurface, causing my heart rate to skyrocket. I can feel the pounding in my chest, in my head, in my ears, the deep sound drowning out the cheers from the crowd that soars through the track.

You're pathetic, Cassie. Just do the world a favour and give up, I -

"Cass!" I'm ripped from my own thoughts as I'm barrelled into by someone in bright red and hoisted over their shoulder. When I realise who it is my mind instantly clears, the familiar brown hair and strong accent calming the raging emotions in my head.

"Charles!" I yell through laughs, kicking my feet and fake punching his back in attempt to get down. I'm carried from the pits to the Ferrari area, a mess of laughs and giggles and screams of 'put me down, Charles!'

Once I'm grounded again I can finally see the beaming smile plastered on his face. His grin is practically ear-to-ear, reaching his eyes and causing them to shrink slightly. I can't help but smile back at him, mirroring his wide grin with one of my own. I throw my arms back around his neck.

"Congratulations, Charlie!" I say, voice muffled in the crook of his neck as I squeeze him tightly, "You're amazing, mate."

"So are you, Cass, P7?! For your first Grand Prix with McLaren, you're doing really well!" He pulls back to look at me. A weak smile replaces my beaming one. I shrug, before giggling as he lets me go to ruffle the top of my hair.

We both make our way toward the post-race interviews, taking our turn to answer questions and give our fair share of smiles. It feels like an eternity before I'm finally released from the endless stream of questions and almost sprint to the podium to watch Charles step up.

My cheeks ache from the amount of time I've spent smiling, but I only smile wider as I watch Charles step onto the top podium position. I smile even wider as I watch one of my best friends being sprayed with champagne as he smiles just as much as myself.

I watch as Charles, Lando and Max shower each other in champagne with shouts of delight.

I just can't help but think what it'd be like to be up there myself.


bit of a short one this time, i apologise!

working on a longer one for the next part ;)

much love, olive<3

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